
Showing posts from January, 2014

Kindle Deals, How to Make the World Safe for Democracy? Send Missionaries! More on Marijuana, Persecution, etc., are this week's Websightings

That's a Great Question by Glenn Pearson Recommended by Ravi Zacharias -- free on Kindle and Vyrso (Logos) for a limited time Who is Jesus Really by Josh McDowell and Dave Sterrett free on Kindle! Picture Source Christ Called Me Off the Minaret Through investigations, dreams, and visions, Jesus asked me to forsake my Muslim family. Nabeel Qureshi Nabeel Qureshi is an itinerant speaker with Ravi Zacharias International Ministries and author of Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus: A Devout Muslim's Journey to Christ (Zondervan). I think this article has some great lessons for us  1) his friend kept up the friendship even as his faith was being ridiculed by Nabeel 2) He answered the questions he could, investigated questions he didn't have a response to and spent time with Nabeel. 3) his Christian friend asked him to be as hard on the Islamic faith as he was on the Christian faith  Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus: A Devout Muslim Encounters Christi...

From Double-Cross to Single Cross, the Rise of Hitler and the Almost Complete Collapse of the German Church: A Review of Hitler’s Cross

Erwin Lutzer’s Hilter’s Cross is an eye-opening book into the rise of Nazi Germany. A foundation was laid that prepared the way for Adolf Hitler; politically, spiritually, and philosophically, argues Lutzer. Spiritual forces that were at work are exposed by the author in ways that may have been unknown to many readers. Shocking compromise by the Church, callous indifference and heartless cruelty by German troops as well as a cultic worship around Hitler by the citizenry at large are all presented. Germany felt destined for greatness and longed to break the chains imposed upon it by the victors of World War I. Into this vacuum rose Adolf Hitler. A noted historian of Hitler stared the truth in the face as to how Hitler became so mesmerizing, so powerful and yet he couldn’t bring himself to acknowledge that truth. Lutzer wrote of skeptics going to see Hitler speak, returning as passionately pro-Hitler. How could this happen to a nation that is more like America than many othe...

E-book Freebies, a Christian View on Pot, the Wild (Middle) East, US Evangelicals Becoming More Anti-Israel and Pro-Palestinian Are This Week's Websightings

8 John Piper Titles for Free from Logos/Vyrso What Do You Think of Me? Why Do I Care?: Answers to the Big Questions of Life [Kindle Edition] Edward T. Welch (Author) 1/22/14 update:  now $2.51 4.7 out of 5 stars See all reviews ( 16 customer reviews ) 161 pages Kindle price – free for a limited time Save $12.99 Little Black Sheep: A Memoir Ashley Cleveland Was Free on Kindle and Vyrso for a limited time 1/22/14 update:  now $4.39 As a young woman from a deeply flawed family, Ashley had little hope she would amount to anything. If there was trouble, near or far, she found it. Yet, in her destructive days of drugs, alcohol, and sex, she encountered a forgiving God who was relentlessly faithful. Change did not come quickly. The brokenness did not disappear. But little by little, Ashley allowed God to heal her, to transform her desires, to bring courage to others through her journey. Little by little, she saw that it ...

Learning How to Reconcile from Jacob (Genesis 32)

from the Cornerstone NIV Ultrathin Reference Bible Many of you know the story of Jacob and Esau. Esau was the oldest and favored by his father since he was a hunter. Jacob was the “younger” twin who was favored by his mother. Jacob’s delivery into this world attached to Esau’s heel was a foreshadowing of the trouble to come. When Esau came home famished after an apparently unsuccessful hunting expedition, he encountered chef Jacob cooking up some stew. With a combination of hunger, weariness and the delicious aroma filling his nostrils, Esau’s brain wasn’t operating on all cylinders and he agreed to a terrible exchange. In one minute, Esau’s birthright was gone and a hot, steamy stew was in his hands. As Isaac, their father, got quite old, he desired to bless the boys. Before he did, he wanted Esau to go out hunting and to bring him back some savory fresh meat to enjoy. So, Esau departed. Little did he or Isaac know that Rebekah, Jacob and Esau’s mom and Isaac’s wife, ove...

Free Resources for the Sanctity of Life Sunday -- This Sunday, January 19, 2014

 from Church Pastor, a Facebook page Pro-life films (available on Netflix) Sarah's Choice October Baby String of Pearls  a website by a couple that gave birth to a baby that they were told to abort even though they knew she would be with them very briefly.  It has resources for those who travel a like path as they did. baby at 7 weeks from Lacey and Christian Sanctity of Human Life Guide from Focus on the Family "With this verbal sleight of hand, the man who starved children but called it 'putting them on a low-calorie diet' now killed Jews and called it 'cleansing the polluted land.' Just as with the abortionist who calls a pre-born infant a 'product of conception,' so language is craftily manipulated by those who wish to desensitize the conscience and promote humanistic values. If evil is called good, then it becomes good -- just ask Adolf Hitler."  -- Erwin W. Lutzer, " Hitler's C...

Websightings Include Free e-books, Moody Publishers Contest, 70% off Yancey e-books, threats to our marriages, and a Meta-Waste of Time

Moody Cover to Cover contest Win free books for a year! Five entries will be selected to receive the ultimate library package—more than 80 books over the course of 2014! Each winner receives monthly shipments of new releases from Moody Publishers, with titles from some of the best Christian authors like Gary Chapman, Wes Stafford, Tony Evans, Dannah Gresh, Juli Slattery, John MacArthur and many more. You'll even receive the much-anticipated, single-volume Moody Bible Commentary, written and edited by the professors of Moody Bible Institute. The total package is valued at over $1,200! To make the deal even better, you can choose a free e-book download from four of Moody Publishers' best titles in 2013. Download your free e-book in a format that best works for your tablet, e-reader or computer. Speaking the Truth in Love By David Powlison Free on Kindle today · Have you ever wondered how to be a more effective counselor? · Have you ever looked f...

Free Kindle Books, Allah Forbidden for the Christian God, Hezbollah Upgrades Threat, Jesus Failed? Christian Martyrs Doubled are This Week's WebSightings

What Are You Afraid Of?: Facing Down Your Fears with Faith [Kindle Edition]  free for a limited time Dr. David Jeremiah Beth Moore books free  -- this is the amazon link I don't know a lot about her but understand she is well liked. on various formats (check your device) in Spanish too (two of her books are free in Spanish) Breaking Free Breaking Free Day by Day Believing God Day by Day Further Still Things Pondered Feathers from My Nest A Heart Like His Jesus, the One and Only Praying God's Word Praying God's Word Day by Day Aiming for 'Effective Anger': The Top 50 Countries Where It's Hardest To Be a Christian (UPDATED) Christian martyrdoms doubled in 2013, reports World Watch List in revealing its methodology for the first time. Katherine Burgess  [ posted 1/8/2014 11:41AM ] Authorities strike Bible Society of Malaysia PUBLISHED BY KATEY HEARTH ON JANUARY 6, 2014 BY KATEY HEARTH “The word ‘Allah’ is the common word for God,”...

Christian Snake Oil: Supersalesmen Pastors Are Getting Richer off of Your Hopes and Insecurities

I am a pastor and a blogger.  As a result, I have gone to a lot of conferences, received tons of mailings and read quite a number of books and I have concluded that someone is out to sell you something you don’t need and that doesn’t work.  Now, don’t get me wrong, my office and Kindle are loaded with books including quite a few from some notable pastors and leaders.  However, there is a marketing strategy that has you and your church as a target and you and I have been encouraging it for far too long. original source unknown First, let’s talk about these men and women.  They are Christian mega-stars.  There are quite a few reasons that they became such and many of these mean that you and I will more than likely never be like them (in a few paragraphs, I may have you thanking God for that).  One is that many of them were born into privilege.  Some of them even inherited a parent’s ministry or road the coattails of mommy or daddy’s success....

No New Year Resolution -- Just a Continuation

For the new year there are no resolutions.  What I seek is a continuation.  Though it is a continuation, I desire for it to be a better one than the year before.  Call it a resolution if you must, but there are no hard numbers, no specific goals enumerated, no date at which I can or should call myself a failure for having not done what I sought to do.   This continuation, I pray, is by the power of the Spirit (Zech. 4:6).  I cannot do this on my own.  It is too much for me but when I am weak then He is strong.  So the key is not to pursue the latest trends and fads at being the best me that I can be.  Oh, I'll read and learn but the key is admitting that I am weak and that when I am in that condition, God is most present and powerful to accomplish in me His purposes and plans (2 Cor. 12:6-10). Our incredibly powerful God delights in using little people to do incredibly big things ( Judges 6:15 ; 2 Samuel 7:8-9 ).*  Therefore, if I exalt...