Breitbart Reports Systematic Rapes of Women in Haitian Camps

Several years ago, after talking to a Haitian minister I know and had the privilege of helping begin a ministry here in the USA, I discovered the problem of rape in Haiti. Now, post-earthquake Haiti is experiencing an epidemic of sexual assaults on their most vulnerable citizenry, young girls and women clustered together in camps. The Breitbart story (you can access by clicking on the title of this post) shows the prevelance of these attacks and why but, like Amnesty states, the real toll is much higher.

Brother Ansy, my Haitian pastor friend who has been back to Haiti a few times since the earthquake, tells me that 80% of girls from about 12 and up have been raped in the country. Another startling fact is the amount of girls and women who have prostituted themselves in order to provide for their basic needs. Haiti has recently experienced a cholera outbreak and a disputed presidential election that may lead to a civil war.

Real evil exists in Haiti. Perhaps, we can help best by praying for the Spirit of God to cover that country with His protection and to penetrate the hearts of its citizens and leadership. Don't get me wrong, many wonderful people are numbered among Haiti's people. It is for them we watch, pray and hope. May God send Haiti revival and give evil men and women a choice: repentance or divinely directed judgment and justice for Haiti's weakest.


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