God's Provision in Portable Form

While our church was in the middle of a move, two ladies who were helping me with my office noticed the portable communion set. For those who don’t know, a portable set allows a minister to take communion on the road, for shut-ins, etc. They felt that my 60’s era set needed replacement. Of course they were right. Besides, I really felt convicted by the Lord that I needed, with the Deacons, to strengthen our ministry to shut-ins. The communion set would be most helpful.

After experiencing the shock of a recent car repair, I began to order a portable set for $20 from Lifeway Christian bookstores online. I got as far as the shopping cart and thought better of it. Maybe, I should wait until next week considering the amount of money I have already spent thanks to my van. So, I shut the computer down.

Fast forward a couple of days and the mailman was interacting with my wife over a forwarded package. Both of us were surprised that she would have to part with a little over three dollars to get the package. I was confused. The company was Christian Book Distributors, accessible through my blog here. I was pretty sure that: 1) I had updated my address with CBD (we moved the same time the church did thanks to eminent domain – another story for another time); 2) I had not ordered anything from the company.

Upon opening the package, guess what I found? That’s right, a portable communion set. I was further confused. Had I mistakenly ordered it after all? No, that was Lifeway and this is Christian Book Distributors. But wait, inside there was a piece of paper. The paper congratulated me for winning the portable communion set. I was no longer confused. I know, but now you are.

Christian Book Distributors has contests that can be entered for CD’s, DVD’s, books, etc. I had entered more than twenty of them over the past couple of years. What I forgot, was that I had, obviously, entered that drawing months before.

To me, this was God’s way of reinforcing my desire to shore up and strengthen a ministry to shut-ins, including providing communion to them. It also came at a time when I was praying about something bigger and thus I felt God saying to me that He was watching out for me. As He provided for this little thing, He would take care of the far greater thing. God, who knows the hairs on my head, and notices when a sparrow falls from the sky, cares about the little things of life and ministry. I was greatly encouraged and hope that you are as well. And by the way, I looked up the set, and its value wasn’t twenty dollars, it was seventy. Now that’s above and beyond, two directions in which God delights.

If you are curious about the set I won, type the words: "Legacy Portable Communion Set" in the Christian Book Distributors keyword box to the left of this post.


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