Note: the numbering system is from the Kindle version of the book. If you don’t have a Kindle for PC version, the numbers are probably useless to you. The chapters are clearly marked and as best as possible, I try to answer his arguments in the order they are presented. According to Matthew 25:41, Hell is a place prepared for the Devil and his angels. The reason is that they rebelled against God. In v. 41, we are told that the “cursed” will be separated from God by being cast into everlasting fire. The greater context of this verse begins in v. 31. It is not a parable Jesus told (story using earthly objects to explain spiritual truth). Instead, it is truth about His coming. When He comes, with His holy angels, we call this the Second Coming of Christ, He will sit on His throne and judge the nations. From other passages we learn that, before the return of Jesus, the Church will be taken away by Him in the clouds (1 Thess. 4:13-18) since God is about to judge the Earth...
I was just reading a passage to the kids the other day aboout Lazarus (poor man) and the rich man. How the rich man didn't care about the poor man. They both die and Abraham and Lazarus are sitting together. The rich man is being tormented. Then there is a discussion about Lazarus helping the poor man and his family but Abraham tells him that neither of them can pass from side to the other. And he says he will not send Lazarus from the dead because if they don't believe the Bible now (or the laws of the prophets as is mentioned in scripture) than they won't believe a dead man either. I don't think I ever read that passage before or listened to it as I had this week. What does Rob Bell do with that passage, I wonder?