Harold Camping Suffers a Stroke

About a month after a false prediction of the coming of Jesus and judgment to come, Mr. Camping has suffered a stroke. Being a man of 89 years of age, his condition should surprise no one. However, some are theorizing that the two events are linked esp. since he is now slurring his words. Has God silenced a false prophet and forced him to live without the ability to speak for a time or for the rest of his life? We may never know. Whatever the case, what do you think and how should Bible-believing Christians react?

Link to the story: http://www.christianpost.com/news/harold-camping-doing-very-well-after-being-hospitalized-for-stroke-reports-wife-51108/

Here is a book about setting dates by the late Dr. William Alnor

Soothsayers of the Second Advent


  1. It may be that his stroke speaks to god's wrath far more than his end of world predictions did....

  2. Too true, John.

    Armouris, way to take a story like this and produce good out of it!

  3. Our pastor often says not to mistake God's inactivity for His absence. I think He reached His limit of tolerating Camping, and I do believe He silenced him. I'm not celebrating this, but rather am humbled by a God whom we sometimes forget to fear.


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