Pat Robertson Says Divorce Okay if Spouse has Alzheimer's | Liveblog | Christianity Today

Pat Robertson Says Divorce Okay if Spouse has Alzheimer's | Liveblog | Christianity Today

Who would you want for your spouse? A Pat Robertson type or a Robertson McQuilkin type? Read the story for yourself and I would love to know what you think.


  1. I think Robertson gets himself talked into corners sometimes, and in the first part it sounds more like he is saying that IF a person is going to cheat on his ailing wife, then the least he can do is divorce her rather than be unfaithful. But that said, the rest of it makes me want to spit. My Gram has Alzheimer's and my mother has Parkinson's, so this is an emotional topic for me. I can't imagine my dad bailing on my mom when she someday can't speak. It's despicable that Robertson would waffle on this and say he wouldn't condemn a man for it. Oh, so when something is emotionally hard for us, that makes it ok to check out?! Shame on him!

  2. Shay, I was new to my ministry here and I had a senior citizen ask to speak to me after the service. It was his first time at the church. He wanted me to condone his having a girlfriend while his wife was in the nursing home because she couldn't do anything for him anymore! I told him what I thought about that and never saw him again.

  3. Yikes! This is a terrible position! Has somebody asked Pat Robertson if he cares whether his wife ditches him when he gets sick?

    Anyway, thanks for stopping by my blog the other day. Those history cycles do work; we're on round 2!

  4. I wonder what his wife thinks about this. Must be a real good time to be Mrs. Pat Robertson. Good question, Bethany!


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