For Men Only: A Book Review (and yes, you ladies can read it)

For Men Only by Shaunti and Jeff Feldhahn is not just another book on the male-female relationship, guys. It is a humorous, thoroughly researched book on understanding women, specifically the woman in your life. Many times along the way, I found myself breaking out into laughter.

Using a scientific survey method and hundreds of interviews, the Feldhahns seek to inform men as to how to improve their relationship. As an added plus, men, the book is a compact size and easy to read. Inside, you will find some things you knew but lots of other things that may be eye-opening. The key to understanding your mate is as elementary as can be: men and women are different so stop projecting your likes and dislikes onto her guys!

Did you ever wonder . . .
1) Why she is so insecure and what you can do about it?
2) How you can help her clear those distractions from her mind so that she can relax with you?
3) What security means to her and how to help her feel it?
4) Why your trying to fix the problem doesn’t fix the problem and what will?

The book provides guidance to these mysteries and many more. There is even a quick-start guide that can serve as a reminder to you of the principles found within the book. And sure, ladies, you could take a peak or read through it too but your time may be better spent reading the companion book entitled, For Women Only.

I enthusiastically recommend this little volume which will be a wise investment of your time and money.

I received this book from Multnomah for free for review purposes.


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