A blog on my thoughts regarding moral issues of the day, devotional thoughts, prophecy, doctrine, book reviews, etc. It is evangelical in nature. Feel free to stop by and let me know what you think.
Update: Latest school shooting in Colorado 'His intent was evil': Colorado high school gunman intended to shoot numerous people, sheriff says By Daniella Silva, NBC News He shot Claire Esther Davis , 17, who just happened to be sitting nearby with a friend as he headed toward the library. The girl suffered severe head trauma and remains in critical condition at Littleton Adventist Hospital. "Our beautiful daughter Claire Davis has severe head trauma as a result of a gunshot. She needs your continued prayers," the family statement read. Note: The lone gunman killed himself after shooting Claire though clearly armed to do much more. Thanks to the actions of an officer, the results were far less than the carnage he apparently wished to unleash. Please join me in praying for Claire and all those impacted by this act of violence. image location Join me in praying for the families of Newtown who will experience their second Christma...
Note: the numbering system is from the Kindle version of the book. If you don’t have a Kindle for PC version, the numbers are probably useless to you. The chapters are clearly marked and as best as possible, I try to answer his arguments in the order they are presented. According to Matthew 25:41, Hell is a place prepared for the Devil and his angels. The reason is that they rebelled against God. In v. 41, we are told that the “cursed” will be separated from God by being cast into everlasting fire. The greater context of this verse begins in v. 31. It is not a parable Jesus told (story using earthly objects to explain spiritual truth). Instead, it is truth about His coming. When He comes, with His holy angels, we call this the Second Coming of Christ, He will sit on His throne and judge the nations. From other passages we learn that, before the return of Jesus, the Church will be taken away by Him in the clouds (1 Thess. 4:13-18) since God is about to judge the Earth...
Before I start, I want to make clear something from an earlier blogpost. I wrote of future events from a premillennial, dispensational perspective. By no means am I implying that is the only orthodox position. I will leave it to others who comment to give other orthodox perspectives, if they wish. My issue with Bell is not orthodoxy but what I view as error and obviously many godly, conservative Christian scholars agree with that assessment. Our differences over orthodox doctrine are within the family. We believe that Bell’s is outside of orthodoxy. The title of chapter four reveals the depth of Rob Bell’s misunderstanding. God would love for everyone to come to a knowledge of the truth and be saved by faith in Jesus. However, even as Bell acknowledges, a loving God will not force anyone. Therefore, He provided the natural revelation of who He is and special revelation through the transmission of the Bible, visions, dreams, miracles and ultimately and most spectacularly t...
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