Awaiting the Right Time or Just Plain Disorganized?

Some people are highly organized.  Quite a few pastors have secretaries.  I am not highly organized and I don't have a secretary.  Not that I am complaining mind you but I wanted to set the background to what I am about to tell you.

Looking at my office today, I decided to clean it up a bit.  Not a big undertaking mind you but a 15-20 minute exercise.  Things that were beginning to accumulate here or there for me to deal with at a more convenient time were beginning to see the light of day again.  As I did so, I came across a "Been Thinking About" column that comes with the Our Daily Bread mailings from RBC Ministries.  Here is the piece:

It seemed very timely and I, foolishy, thought that it was only a few weeks old.  Check out the date in the link above or by clicking on the link.  God meant for it to show up today.  I used it twice already.  Perhaps it was hidden in plain sight for such a time as this.

Did God also mean it for you?  You decide.  Thanks for reading and God bless you and your family.


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