Feed My Sheep -- A Great Book for Pastors

Feed My Sheep, A Passionate Plea for Preaching is a terrific book for pastors and those that regularly fill the pulpit. Chapters address issues such as the primacy of preaching as a function of the church and the church services, the "foolishness" of preaching as explained by the Apostle Paul, preaching from experience, preaching to the mind, preaching to the heart, with authority, evangelistically and to people who suffer. It is a well-rounded study on the mission of pastors to teach the Word.

Many of the names of those who author the various chapters will be recognized by the reader. Some of the most well-known are the late Dr. James Montgomery Boice, Dr. Albert Mohler, Jr., Dr. John Piper, Dr. John MacArthur, and Dr. R.C. Sproul. I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It can be read quickly over a period of hours or days or in segments. However it is consumed, it will have the same impact. Each chapter is full of great advice on how and why preachers do what they do and how it has the power it does. Dr. MacArthur ends the book with a reminder to pastors that we are but jars of clay, ordinary vessels, carrying the extraordinary treasure of God so that the "surpassing greatness of the power may be of God and not from ourselves (2 Cor. 4:7)."

This book can be found by typing the title, "Feed My Sheep," into the Amazon keyword box located on this blog. If you decide to purchase the book, by doing so through that box, you enable this blogger to receive some credit with Amazon at no additional cost to you.


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