Man Alive! This Book May Be What You’ve Been Looking For

Read Chapter One for Free

“Man Alive” is a book by Patrick Morley, author of the best-selling work “Man in the Mirror.”  He addresses what he feels are man’s primal needs, including the need to feel one doesn’t have to live life alone; the need to believe that God knows, loves and cares about me personally; to believe that one’s life has a purpose; to break free from destructive behaviors that drag one down; to satisfy the soul’s thirst for transcendence, awe and communion; to love and be loved without reservation; and to make a contribution, leaving the world a better place than one found it.  His burden is that many men feel their lives lack significance, that they are stuck and have no clue how to undo the past and work toward a future full of meaning. 

Morley begins by recounting the story of a 9-11 hero.  Each of us is drawn to such bravery and desires to do likewise.  However, our lives often seem to pale in comparison.  Every man desires to feel more alive, to make a contribution in which he leaves a lasting legacy.  How does a man get from where he is stuck to where he needs to be?

Some of the struggles of men include feeling like they are in this life alone, that God doesn’t care about them personally, that life doesn’t have purpose for them, and that the most important relationships they have just aren’t working.  Perhaps 9 out of 10 men lead stagnant lives.  They are mediocre and hate it. 
Some of the failings of men are heartbreaking.  They are unable to express their feelings, actively seeking out pornography; a number of them are getting divorced each year, impacting their children negatively.  These are not problems of lone men on islands but they have impact upon wives, children, and families and on and on. 

Morley addresses the reasons he believes that men get themselves into the stagnant, messy lives that they do.  He then points them to a deeper relationship with God, a more involved relationship with other men, and practical advice on living in the business world, the ministry world and with one’s family.  Probing questions of self-evaluation are included at the end of each chapter to help men see where they are and how they can do better.  Each man is encouraged to think and pray their way through the spiritual gifts, explore their talents and find meaning for their lives that contrasts to the day-to-day doldrums that keep men down.

I find this book to be very practical.  As a pastor, there were times in which I felt it was too simple and then I thought how necessary that is to reach every man who would pick it up.  I found some great quotes and some good sharpening for my own life that I hope I won’t soon forget. 

In addition to the book, helpful resources are available online at  At the website, one can find information on how to lead a Bible study using the book specifically and how to start and lead a Bible study generally.  At different points in the book, the reader is reminded of the website and given reasons to go there to supplement what is being learned in the book.

I would recommend “Man Alive” to any man who feels like he is standing still, getting nowhere in life.  It helps men unpack what is at the heart of one’s frustrations as a man and then points him in the right direction to transform that life into something much more meaningful and fulfilling.  For those who wish to begin a men’s ministry and don’t know how, it is also a very helpful book, with resources provided inside and online, to get such a ministry to men started. 

More about the author, Patrick Morley

I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review.  They sent me both e-book and softcover formats.  The cover of the book is a great design of a man with outstretched arms looking heavenward with a full sky above him and the ground beneath him.  The colors of the cover are a sharp contrast of yellow and black.


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