A Couple of Free Offers by Thomas Nelson and Voice of the Martyrs

Free:  Maps and Charts of the Gospels download from Thomas Nelson

Note:  To get the free offer, Thomas Nelson has you sign up for a newsletter that you can promptly unsubscribe from rather easily.

This free 82 page sample includes the following:  
An Introduction to the Four Gospels
The Miracles of Jesus Christ
The Parables of Jesus Christ
A Harmony of the Gospels
Herod's Family Tree
The Plan of the Herodian Temple
New Testament Political Rulers
Introductions to Matthew, Mark, Luke and John
Each Gospel at a Glance
Outline of Each Gospel
Map of Mary, Joseph and Jesus' Flight to Egypt
Maps of the Life and Ministry of Jesus
The Events of Holy Week
Location Map of Christ's Trial and Crucifixion
Map of Jesus' Resurrection Appearances
The Roman Empire in New Testament Times
New Testament Women
The Genealogy of Jesus and so much more!

If you like it, the full book is available at Amazon under the title of Nelson's Complete Book of Bible Maps and Charts, Third Edition for $12:39.  Also, the free pdf download has a coupon code and offer for 25% off with a link to redeem the coupon code from Thomas Nelson.

Free:  Tortured for Christ from Voice of the Martyrs
Receive a complimentary copy of Richard Wurmbrand's story of  persecution during the Cold War. The registration form also gives you a complimentary subscription to The Voice of the Martyrs newsletter which informs the reader of what is going on around the world with our persecuted brethren as well as giving opportunities to assist them.  


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