Following God, Trusting God, No Matter What -- A Review of Though None Go With Me (DVD)

Though none go with me, still I will follow
Though none go with me, still I will follow
Though none go with me, still I will follow
No turning back, No turning back

You might recognize the name Jerry Jenkins from The Left Behind Series.  My wife and I have been fans since before that famous series.  And this movie adapted from Jerry Jenkins' novel by the same name does not disappoint.

It is the story of Elizabeth Leroy, a doctor's daughter, who wants out of a small town.  An associate minister comes to town and she is taken by him.  The story has twists and turns that test Elizabeth's faith severely.  Though None Go With Me's themes include enduring faith, a resilient spirit and love that lasts a lifetime.

I cannot say enough about this film.  Get it, watch it and have some tissues handy.  I don't think you will regret it.


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