Brutality of Extremists among the Syrian Rebels -- Aided and Abetted by U.S. Support?


Joint Subcommittee Hearing: Religious Minorities in Syria: Caught in the Middle

Appearances by:

Nina Shea, Director Center for Religious Freedom Hudson Institute, who has written books on persecution with others including In the Lion's Den and Persecuted:  the Global Assault on Christians

Dr. John Eibner Chief Executive Officer Christian Solidarity International, USA

There are others as well.  You can either listen to the 3 hour hearing or read the reports individually on the page at the link above (Joint Subcommittee Hearing . . . )

Syria Christians face 'ethno-religious cleansing'
Syrian Christians are asking why the U.S. is at war with them, said John Eibner, CEO of Christian Solidarity International, who has taken a trip to Syria.

"As soon as they reached the city [of Aleppo], Islamist guerrillas, almost all of them from abroad, took over the mosques," Jeanbart said. "Every Friday, an imam launches their messages of hate, calling on the population to kill anyone who does not practice the religion of the Prophet Muhammad. They use the courts to level charges of blasphemy. Who is contrary to their way of thinking pays with his life."

The following link is of a very graphic video showing a brutal execution of two men. The second link is about the murder of a Catholic priest by armed militants.

Warning:  This video is very graphic.  

I post it because every American household needs to know what is going on in Syria.  We say we are carefully vetting who we support with arms, etc. Yet, we are also helping Saudi Arabia and other Middle Eastern countries to supply the rebels with things we will not.  In another piece on the same website from which I got this video, they are saying that extremists have been showing up with more sophisticated weapons on the battlefields and streets.  

In the video, two Christians, one of them a priest, have been beheaded by militants because they were suspected of cooperating with the Syrian military, according to an Al-Alam report. The two are brutally executed – beheaded with a small combat knife which is sawed back and forth for some gut-wrenching minutes of continuous cutting. Echoing previous beheading recorded by insurgents, the head is held up to the cheers of onlookers and then placed on the body.

Another warning:  the video begins with some anti-Jewish statement mixed in with complaints about the West supporting terrorists.  

The article:
Catholic Priest is Executed as Foreign Arms Flood into Syria
“The world must know that the support of gunmen by the west is helping extremists in killing Syrians . . . with such stances, not a single Christian will remain in the East.” -- the head of all Franciscans in the Holy Land, Pierbattista Pizzaballa, in reaction to the following event:

"In the Middle East, there is cynical disbelief at the American contention that it can distribute arms – almost certainly including anti-aircraft missiles – only to secular Sunni rebel forces in Syria represented by the so-called Free Syria Army. The more powerful al-Nusrah Front, allied to al-Qaeda, dominates the battlefield on the rebel side and has been blamed for atrocities including the execution of Syrian government prisoners of war and the murder of a 14-year old boy for blasphemy. They will be able to take new American weapons from their Free Syria Army comrades with little effort."  -- Robert Fisk in his article entitled:  Iran to Send 4,000 Troops


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