Devouring the Elephant of Success One Half-Hour Bite at a Time

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Tommy Barnett’s The Power of a Half-Hour encourages the reader to make big changes in thirty minute pieces. Not only does he advocate this strategy, he is an experienced hand at it. As he has done, Barnett explains and illustrates through various areas of life and ministry the use of a small period of time to make a huge difference in one’s own life and the lives of others.

Sections are divided into The Power of a Half Hour to . . .

Impact your life

Chart your life path

Strengthen your faith

Build your character

Advance your dreams

Improve your relationships

Change the World

At the end of the book, one will find two things: a personal action plan for each chapter and a small group study guide. Those planning on using these would be better served with a physical copy (i.e. not an e-book) since the format of the e-book does not lend well to the use of these. I would give this book three stars out of a possible five. 

Book Excerpt (click on "excerpt" tab on page)

I received this book for free from Blogging for Books for this review.


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