Free and Low Cost Christian Kindle Deals, China, Russia, Ukraine, the U.S., Syria, Nigerian Girls Taken Hostage a Turning Point Are This Week's Websightings
Balancing It All – 99 cents on Kindle
Candace BureEveryday Faith by Pastor John Stange is free on Kindle, 86 pages, 31 day devotional
When Will My Life Not Suck
Free on Kindle
Ramon Presson, M.S., a clinically certified marriage and family therapist for over twenty years, is the founder of LifeChange Counseling and the Marriage Center of Franklin, TN and also served as a pastor with a special focus in ministry to single and single-again adults for twenty years.
Report shows shocking religious freedom violations in Syria
Check out these stories and reflect upon the fact that World War II consisted of a European theatre and an Asian one.
End of American Military Dominance
Hagel announces steep U.S. defense cuts in aircraft, ships, troops, weapons
May 8, 6:40 AM EDT
Check out these stories and reflect upon the fact that World War II consisted of a European theatre and an Asian one.
End of American Military Dominance
Hagel announces steep U.S. defense cuts in aircraft, ships, troops, weapons
May 8, 6:40 AM EDT
Putin, speaking from the Defense Ministry's headquarters where he oversaw the exercise along with leaders of several ex-Soviet nations which are members of the Collective Security Treaty Organization, said that the maneuvers involved the military across the entire Russian territory, including the nation's nuclear forces.
Russian news wires said that the exercises simulated dealing a massive retaliatory nuclear strike in response to an enemy attack.
Putin Warns of Growing Militant Nationalism, Nazi Ideology in Europe
Putin Warns of Growing Militant Nationalism, Nazi Ideology in Europe
© RIA Novosti. Alexey Nikolsky
15:56 08/05/2014
MOSCOW, May 8 (RIA Novosti) – Militant nationalism, which has led to the appearance of Nazi ideology, is raising its head in Europe, Russian President Vladimir Putin said Thursday.
“Here and there militant nationalism is again raising its head, the same kind that brought on the appearance of Nazi ideology,” Putin said during a meeting with the leaders of Armenia, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Belarus.
Pro-federalization supporters have called Ukrainian nationalists, who have protested and fought against federalists in the country's east since the ousting of President Viktor Yanukovych and deadly riots in Kiev, followers of Nazi ideology. Europe has been supporting Ukraine’s so-called Euromaidan activists, who wish to see Ukraine become part of the EU.
Japan, worried about China, strengthens ties with NATO
China-Russia to hold East China Sea naval drills
Christian Science Monitor
By Chelsea SheasleyMay 7, 2014 8:54 AM
US-Philippines launch war games after Obama pledge
By Jason GUTIERREZ May 5, 2014 2:36 AM
Also, unless you have been living under a rock, you have heard of the abduction of the hundred/s of Nigerian girls. It is my opinion that this will go down as Boko Haram's biggest mistake. I think this leader is history and this movement will be reeling in the years to come at the wrath that will likely be unleashed upon them.
Abduction vaults Boko Haram leader into headlines
AP story
May 7, 2014 3:09 PM
Muslim officials condemn abductions of girls
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