If It Bleeds, it Leads, Then Why All of the Attention on Gaza and So Little, if Any, on the Slaughter of Christians throughout the Islamic World?
I just contacted my two senators (www.senate.gov) and my representative (http://www.house.gov/). I am looking to add the White House (www.whybother.gov -- just kidding, www.whitehouse.gov). Will you join me? Here is what I sent to give you an idea of what to say (put it in your own words and be respectful, please):
Dear Congressman/Senator:
Israel's actions get round the clock coverage as they react to rocket fire, etc. in self defense. Meanwhile, across the Islamic world Christians are forcibly displaced; their churches turned into mosques, looted or burned; their women raped, whole ancient communities emptied and men crucified, killed by the sword, shot or forced to renounce their faith and become Muslim and hardly a word from Western media, Hollywood types or politicians.
Have you spoken out? Why not change the conversation from Israel in Gaza to Islamic extremism's threat vs. ancient Christian populations in the Middle East? Are Palestinian lives more valuable than Christian ones? Is Israel more of a threat to peace than is the ISIS? In interviews, are you directing the media's attention to the obvious genocidal behavior vs. Christians?
My vote may very well hinge on this very important issue. Thanks for you kind attention.
William Smith, pastor, Christian, constituent and voter
World Ignores Christian Exodus from Islamic World
Dear Congressman/Senator:
Israel's actions get round the clock coverage as they react to rocket fire, etc. in self defense. Meanwhile, across the Islamic world Christians are forcibly displaced; their churches turned into mosques, looted or burned; their women raped, whole ancient communities emptied and men crucified, killed by the sword, shot or forced to renounce their faith and become Muslim and hardly a word from Western media, Hollywood types or politicians.
Have you spoken out? Why not change the conversation from Israel in Gaza to Islamic extremism's threat vs. ancient Christian populations in the Middle East? Are Palestinian lives more valuable than Christian ones? Is Israel more of a threat to peace than is the ISIS? In interviews, are you directing the media's attention to the obvious genocidal behavior vs. Christians?
My vote may very well hinge on this very important issue. Thanks for you kind attention.
William Smith, pastor, Christian, constituent and voter
Here is a great summary of the carnage going on that the news media and politicians tell us so little of:
World Ignores Christian Exodus from Islamic World
by Raymond Ibrahim
August 6, 2014 at 5:00 am
Voice of the Martyrs
International Christian Concern
Mission Network News
Other sources:
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