Say Yes to a free Book That Helps You Say No, Mental Illness and Christian Faith, a Resource Website for Pastors, and a Biblical Website Dealing with Same Sex Attraction are Among This Week's Websightings
Smart Women Know When to Say No
by Kevin Leman 273 pages free only on 09/23/14
free pdf e-book
the entire study by Lifeway Research in pdf
(a good resource about same-sex attraction and the debate over sexuality. You will be happy to see that it centers on people rather than politics and, from what I have read thus far, it is very biblical)
The description found on the homepage:
The description found on the homepage:
"We experience same-sex attraction and yet are committed to what the Bible clearly says, and what the church has always taught, about marriage and sex. With friends, we’ve set up this website to articulate a perspective that is not often heard – that of men and women who are honest and open about their same-sex attraction, but who have discovered that obedience to Jesus in this area of life is fulfilling, healthy and authentic. We want people who experience same-sex attraction, those who self-identify as LGBT or who are just questioning, their family and friends, their churches and pastors, and those investigating Christianity, to find here a plausible way of living out what Christians have consistently believed about marriage and sex."
Beacon2Light note: I have read several portions of this website and I am very happy with what I have seen and read thus far.
Also, note, Living Out has an excellent section on the biblical passages regarding homosexuality
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