Updated: A Few More Kindle Deals Including a Book for Pastors, the Free Grace Position on Salvation, a Romans Commentary and a Book on the Wonder of God. Original Post: A book about true love's endurance through tragedy; free book on C.S. Lewis

Dangerous Calling: Confronting the Unique Challenges of Pastoral Ministry [Kindle Edition]
Paul David Tripp
Great deal on the Kindle for $1.99 -- limited time

A Free Grace Primer [Kindle Edition]
Zane Hodges (Author)

3 books in 1, 524 pages for a mere 99 cents
Original price was almost $10.00. Not sure if this is a limited time offer. Whether you agree with Hodges, this is a great deal. As one reviewer noted, he is known to be fair and gracious to those with whom he disagrees, something he didn't often receive in return

Romans: Deliverance from Wrath
[Kindle Edition] Zane Hodges
99 cents for a commentary on Romans
Description on Amazon: Since the time of Luther, Paul’s epistle to the Romans has been understood as an evangelistic letter, where salvation was understood as a synonym for justification.

But Zane Hodges understands the letter differently. He sees a difference between justification and salvation, between eternal destiny and eternal rewards. Those who are justified still need to be saved, that is, delivered from God’s present wrath. That deliverance is gained not merely by believing in Jesus, but also through obedience and calling upon Him in believing prayer.

This exegetical commentary is exceedingly insightful and practical. You will begin to read Scripture in a fresh way, and find yourself being challenged to live a life pleasing to God, without thereby doubting your eternal destiny. As you study Paul’s epistle verse by verse, you will better understand how to glorify God more fully, and live victoriously, both now and in the life to come.

This long-awaited commentary really delivers.

Zane C. Hodges (BA, Wheaton; ThM, Dallas Theological Seminary) taught New Testament Greek and exegesis at Dallas Theological Seminary for 27 years until 1986. He also ministered at Victor Street Bible Chapel in East Dallas for 50 years. He went to be with the Lord on November 23, 2008.

Free e-book on Vyrso (I believe it automatically loads to your Logos Bible Software, if you have an account with them). Use code: VYRSOFREE1110

Astonished: Recapturing the Wonder, Awe, and Mystery of Life with God

Astonished is also free on Kindle

Billy Graham: Candid Conversations with a Public Man [Kindle Edition]
David Frost (Author)
Was Free on Kindle 

Still a great deal at $3.82 updated 11/10/14

Eight Twenty Eight: When Love Didn't Give Up
[Kindle Edition]

Larissa Murphy (Author), Ian Murphy (Author)
New book for 2014

Was Discounted on the Kindle for 99 cents, 243 pages

Now 9.99 (make sure you get these deals when they come)  
Updated 11/10/14

I heard about this book recently and I immediately wanted it. The Murphy's story is one of the most inspirational I have ever heard. I think you will agree. She shows unconditional love in such a dramatic way.

Ian and Larissa's blog

The Story of Ian and Larissa
by Dr. John Piper

[Kindle Edition] - was free for a limited time
Alister McGrath (Author)

Now 9.99 -- updated on 11/10/14


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