Free Kindle Book Helps You Heal from Infidelity, President Obama and High Horses, What Russia May Be Up to and Why We Should Be Concerned

Unfaithful: Hope and Healing after Infidelity
Statistics show that one in every four marriages is impacted by infidelity. So the odds are pretty good that you or someone you know has experienced the searing pain of marital infidelity. But adultery is not an automatic death sentence for your marriage. You can trust again. You can restore intimacy. You can have a relationship that you will both cherish for a lifetime.

Ten years ago, Gary and Mona Shriver experienced the devastation caused by adultery, and in the course of trying to save themselves, they wrote this book. Raw, transparently honest, the Shrivers’ story alone is an inspiration, offering hope and practical strategies for healing. Now this updated and revised edition adds other real-life stories of betrayal and forgiveness, and new information defining adultery, including the destruction of emotional affairs. Some doubt if a marriage can truly heal after the ravages of infidelity. Unfaithful proves you can. It’s not easy ... but it can be done. Is it worth it? Yes. And you hold the first step—and hope—in your hand.

Kindle Price: $0.00
You Save: $15.99
Length: 291 pages

"Humanity has been grappling with these questions throughout human history. And lest we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the Crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ. In our home country, slavery and Jim Crow all too often was justified in the name of Christ."  -- comments from President Obama at the National Prayer Breakfast
(see full transcript here)

My thought: even if the president were correct as to the reprehensible equivalence of the Crusades and ISIS (in motivation, carnage, etc.), and that's stretching things quite a bit, his comments only serve to justify or minimize the current evil being perpetrated in Iraq and Syria. 

Here is one of the best responses, in my opinion: 


Moscow Readying a Massive Russian Invasion of Ukraine, Golts Says

Paul Goble
Feb. 3, 2015

From the story: Golts notes in passing that the militants are unlikely to be able to raise the 100,000 troops they have promised to bring to the colors within ten days. There simply aren’t enough people under their control to allow them to do so: If they did, they would be drafting a larger share of the population than even Stalin did during World War II.

That in turn means, the independent Russian military analyst says, that these “games at mobilization” are being launched “in order to mask preparation for another broad-scale introduction of Russian forces.” The militants and Moscow did much the same thing last summer, and thus it appears likely a new invasion is in the offing.

And confirming that conclusion is a report by Ekho Moskvy picking up Tajik media stories that “approximately 3,000 Russian soldiers from the 201st Russian military base in Tajikistan will be sent to the border with Ukraine.”

Expect Russia to Test Article V
Vladmir Putin will probably stir unrest in a Baltic NATO state to test the alliance’s resolve directly in the wake of his success in Ukraine, according to Anders Fogh Rasmussen, the former Secretary-General of NATO.

"If Putin approaches the Baltics the way he has Ukraine—inflaming local grievances, sending in Russian soldiers without insignia (“little green men”), maintaining a pretext of deniability—will the European members of NATO consider themselves obliged to respond? Will the U.S.?"

What is Article V?


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