The Persecuted Church: Sudan Punishes Pastors for American Advocacy; Asia Bibi's Health Failing While Imprisoned for Faith; Pastor Abedini Has Marked His 1,000th Day in Iranian Prison, ISIS Terrifies but Jesus Sustains

Sudan Punishes Imprisoned Pastors After American Advocacy

Pakistan (MNN) — Her story reads like a conspiracy theory novel. The main character is a 50-year-old woman, falsely accused. She languishes in jail for six years, charged and convicted of a federal crime with no evidence, and no recourse.

The problem is: it’s not fiction. It’s Asia Bibi’s story. Bruce Allen with Forgotten Missionaries International says the mother of five was accused of blasphemy in Pakistan. Voice of the Martyrs USA recounts the early part of the case:

On June 19, 2009 there was an intense discussion among the women about their faith. The Muslim women told Asia about Islam, and, according to VOM sources, Asia responded by telling the Muslim women that Jesus is alive. “Our Christ sacrificed His life on the cross for our sins…. Our Christ is alive.”

That led to a beating and a blasphemy accusation. In November 2010, Bibi was convicted under the blasphemy penal code, and sentenced to death. An appeal has been filed with the Supreme Court, but there’s no word on how soon the case will be heard.

By: John Stonestreet|Published: June 24, 2015 8:00 AM

It was at Wheaton College that the young Betty met a man named Jim Elliot. From their shared passion for taking the Gospel to those who had never heard, the couple decided to go to eastern Ecuador as missionaries, part of a team of five young families. Their objective was to share the Christian story with a violent, isolated Auca tribe.

And the rest of the story, as Paul Harvey used to say, impacted millions, challenged churches, and propelled the missions movement. The five men—Jim Elliot, Roger Youderian, Peter Fleming, Nate Saint, and Ed McCully—were slaughtered in 1956 on a lonely jungle landing strip by members of the tribe.The story and photos, told compellingly in Life magazine, galvanized a generation.

But Elliot stayed in Ecuador, and after meeting two Auca women who lived with her for a year, made the decision to go live with the tribe that had murdered her husband and his friends. She and her daughter stayed for two years, and many came to Christ. Others have since continued to work with the tribe, and most of them now follow Christ. And ministry continued for Elisabeth Elliot, who made a lasting mark through writing and speaking.

Starting on p. 10, here is the Life magazine story that told details of the heartbreaking story:

Elisabeth Elliot's Amazon Page


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