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This New Religion Is Causing an Existential Crisis at American Colleges and Universities, NYU Prof Says

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May 25, 2016|12:02 pm
Washington University


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Student activists during a nationwide "Hands up, walk out" protest at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri.
NEW YORK — There's a new religion exploding on the campuses of American universities and colleges, says Thomas Cooley professor of ethical leadership at New York University, Jonathan Haidt. And if it isn't stopped, it might just be better to shut them all down in the next 10 or 20 years.
The religion of fundamental social justice sweeping across college campuses is so alarming, intense, and dripping with such extreme liberal fundamentalism, says Haidt, it has created an existential crisis for American academia while punishing heretics with public shame.
"There is an extremely intense, fundamental social justice religion that's taking over, not all students, but a very strong [space] of it, at all our colleges and universities. They are prosecuting blasphemy and this is where we are," Haidt warned an audience about the religion at a lecture billed "The American University's New Assault on Free Speech," organized by the Manhattan Institute in New York City this week.
In his most recent book, The New York Times best-seller, The Righteous Mind: Why Good People are Divided by Politics and Religion, Haidt, a social psychologist whose research examines the intuitive foundations of morality, gives an account of the origins of the human moral sense. He shows how variations in moral intuitions can help explain the American culture war between left and right.
On Monday, he described how fundamental social justice is rapidly limiting free speech by cultivating "sacred spaces" for issues supported by increasingly fragile students attending colleges and universities today.
"So my research is on moral judgement, moral psychology, in my book the Righteous Mind, I give three principles of moral psychology. And the third principle is 'morality binds and blinds.' It's just a fact that as humans, we are really good at making something sacred. Maybe it's a rock, tree … book, a person," he said.
"We make something sacred, we worship it, circle around it, often literally circling. … When you do that, you bind yourself together, you trust each other, you have a shared sacred object and you go forth into battle," Haidt said.
When social issues like racism or sexism are treated as sacred, he says, it becomes difficult to have honest conversations about them.
"So if that's the basic psychology and as religion itself has been retreating and kids are raised in a more secular environment, then what takes the place of that? There are lots of sacred spaces. Fighting racism, a very, very good thing to do, but when you come to sacred principles, sacred, this means no tradeoffs," Haidt said.
"There is no nuance, you cannot trade off any other goods with it. So if you organize around fighting racism, fighting homophobia, fighting sexism, again all good things, but when they become sacred, when they become essentially objects of worship, fundamentalist religion, then when someone comes to class, someone comes to your campus, and they say the rape culture is exaggerated, they have committed blasphemy," he said.
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This New Religion is Causing an Existential Crisis at American Colleges and Universities

He described how fundamental social justice is rapidly limiting free speech by cultivating "sacred spaces' for issues supported by increasingly fragile students attending colleges and universities today.

"If you say something stupid or unsupported by the evidence, one one side politically, you can rest assured that no one will dare challenge you because they will be attacked. Conversely, if you say something which is true, backed by evidence and it points toward a conservative or libertarian conclusion, you can rest assured, you'll be challenged very harshly." -- Haidt

My thought: this is also showing up in places like the Trump campaign. If one does not love Donald Trump and/or support his positions, he is vilified, insulted and in the case of Paul Ryan, threatened with support for a primary opponent. 

I think there is a larger problem of a lack of respect for people who hold other views. 

Pastor and 3 sons killed in crash after Bible school graduation. The pastor's wife and daughter are critical

Pastor Israel Avelar, pictured with his wife, Hilda, was killed along with their sons (from bottom L-R) Kevin Avelar, 17; Daniel Avelar, 14, and Matthew Avelar, 6, in a grisly crash in Texas on Saturday, May 21, 2016. His wife and daughter, Kimberly Avelar, 11 (bottom R), are in critical condition while his mother (not in picture) is expected to survive.
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Elderly Christian woman stripped naked and paraded through streets by mob
The 300-strong mob of Muslim men in rural Egypt also burned down seven homes belonging to Orthodox Coptic families, over rumours of an affair between a local Christian man and a Muslim woman


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