A Key to Your Happiness is Being Happy for Others; North Korea Kills Church Leaders with a Steamroller; China Repatriates Escapees Even Though This May Mean Their Deaths; Turkish Court Gives Life Sentences to Killers of Christians, One of Whom Faked Interest in the Christian Faith

Christians Crushed Under Steamroller; Hung on Cross over Fire

24 Chinese Embassies Facing Protests over the Repatriating of N. Koreans to Their Deaths

Killers of Christians Are Sentenced to Life by Turkish Court and Then Released Pending Higher Court Decisions

On April 18, 2007, in the office of the Zirve Publishing House in Malatya in southeastern Turkey, Gurler, Ozdemir, Yildirim, Ceker, and Gunaydin killed Ugur YĆ¼ksel, 32, and Necati Aydin, 36, both Turkish converts from Islam, as well as Tilmann Geske, 45, a German national. The five Muslim, Turkish nationalists bound the three men, interrogated them about their Christian activities, mutilated them, and then slit their throats, according to court evidence and testimony.

It’s Possible to Enjoy Watching Others Win
By Randy Alcorn | September 28, 2016

The degree to which we can be happy for other people without envying or resenting them determines how happy we’ll truly be. Why? Because if we can only rejoice when positive things happen to us, the number of things that can make us happy is greatly reduced.

I enjoy winning. But by God’s grace, I’ve become a gracious loser, which makes me a happier person.

 On the Kindle for $2.39
Christians 'Crushed Under Steamroller' and 'Hung on a Cross Over Fire' in North Korea
Read more at http://www.christianpost.com/news/christians-crushed-under-steamroller-and-hung-on-a-cross-over-fire-in-north-korea-170134/#61zz4vjmQcOIdJE1.99

Read more at http://www.christianpost.com/news/christians-crushed-under-steamroller-and-hung-on-a-cross-over-fire-in-north-korea-170134/#tHK20g7jamQvOw02.


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