Free Book from Voice of the Martyrs, free Names of God Chart, free Devotional for Holy Week, Fabulous Deal on Church History Book

The Voice of the Martyrs invites you to request a complimentary copy one of their bestselling books, Hearts of Fire, (foreword by Gracia Burnham).

Eight women from eight very different backgrounds, yet the struggles they each faced rang with similarity. From Pakistan, India, Romania, the former Soviet Union, China, Vietnam, Nepal, and Indonesia, these women shared similar experiences of hardship and persecution—all for their faith in Christ—yet they have emerged from adversity as leaders and heroines.

Along with your free copy of Hearts of Fire, you will also receive a complimentary subscription to The Voice of the Martyrs’ award-winning monthly newsletter. This timely newsletter will keep you informed on Christian persecution worldwide while sharing practical opportunities to help Christians who are persecuted for their faith.

FREE Printable Names of God eChartsGet these free Names of God eCharts and free weekly eCharts via Email

Love to the Uttermost: Devotional Readings for Holy Week
John Piper  

$2.99 on Kindle

…death unfold for eight days, we gaze on a God-man who begrudges no pain or reproach on his pathway to redeem lost sinners. This is the man who “humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross” (Philippians 2:8).

The Anabaptists and Contemporary Baptists: Restoring New Testament Christianity
by Malcolm Yarnell

$0.99 on Vyrso  (great savings from $29.99)
$16.19 on Amazon Kindle


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