A Gay Man’s Journey to Jesus

One of the ways the Church is failing is in having an ongoing, positive yet biblical relationship with friends, relatives and acquaintances who identify as LGBTQ. Believers in Jesus seem to fall into one of two extremes: either to join in the celebration of that which the Bible obviously doesn’t celebrate or to withdraw in revulsion, contempt and judgment. I think the Jesus way is yet a third option. I believe that Becket Cook’s A Change of Affection helps Bible-believing Christians to choose that third way.

I came across an interview with Becket Cook while viewing something else on YouTube. Immediately, I was drawn to the interview. After listening to Cook, I decided that this book was one of those I wanted to read to help me be a more caring, understanding and yet biblical Christian in relation to those I know and care about who identify as LGBTQ.

In the book, Cook recounts his life. He goes into his raising and early experiences that he believes helped shape him into the man he was. A “chance” encounter with a Christian group at a coffee shop led to an invitation that brought on a transformation in his person and thinking regarding Christ, the Church and identifying as a gay man.

Becket became a new man in Christ. The old was gone and the new had come. He felt the need to inform his friends and got various reactions. Cook became a witness for Christ and the new life he had in Him. It even resulted in him going back to school.

Toward the end of the book, Becket seeks to help others in their relationships with those who identify as LGBTQ. He emphasizes speaking the truth in love and shows what the Bible has to say on the subject. Personal examples of how parents and loved ones dealt with a child or relative who came out he utilizes to urge Christians toward love, grace and truth.

Becket Cook doesn’t claim to have all the answers. He states that though his early experiences led to his homosexuality, he avoids saying that it is a cookie cutter matter. In the end, he exhorts the Church to cling to truth, to cling to love and to cling to Christ. It is what brought him out of darkness and into Christ’s marvelous light, as he would see it.

The book trailer 

Buy on Amazon

His appearance at Biola University  


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