A Life Transformed after a Suicide Attempt


Kristen Jane Anderson had a good home. Her experiences were happy until things began to seriously unravel in her teen years. Her grandmom had passed away, her father was diagnosed with depression, a friend committed suicide and then she was raped. Life just didn't seem worth living anymore. Kristen wanted out and her way out seemed to be suicide by train. Her life would be no longer than 17 years. But God had other plans. 

Inexplicably, Kristen survived!  Though her bodily trauma now matched, if not exceeded, her mental trauma, she was still alive. At first, this was not a happy result. To Kristen, her mental anguish was now compounded by physical disability. How would she live without her legs!

Through many ups and downs, surgeries, professionals of every stripe, Kristen came out of this stronger and happier. Eventually, she came to see the losing of her legs as what God used to draw her to Himself and a life that had meaning and purpose. Increasingly, that purpose was to share her testimony, giving hope and help to others struggling with suicidal thoughts, depression or hopelessness. 

When you read this story, I am sure you will see the hand of God on Kristen. Not only was He not letting her go, but He was also preparing her for something better. Read this book. You will not regret it. 

Kristen's ministry page: Reaching You Ministries

On Facebook: Kristen Jane Anderson and Reaching You Ministries


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