A Review of The Last Days by Joel Rosenberg

And Jacob called his sons and said, “Gather together, that I may tell you what shall befall you in the last days (Gen. 49:1 NKJV)

Joel Rosenberg’s book, The Last Days, takes the reader on a fast-paced journey through war and peace. The setting is the defeat of Iraq at the hands of the United States after terrorist attacks on U.S. soil. “Black gold” and natural gas have been found in Israel, the West Bank, Gaza and in the Mediterranean Sea just off the coast of the Holy Land. Would both Israelis and Palestinians be willing and able to choose peace and wealth over war and conflicting land claims? What would win the hearts of minds of the people of the land: profits or the prophets?

Take the time to read this excellent thriller. Whether you enjoy developing love stories, drama, political fiction or even a tale of someone coming to Christ, this book has something for everyone. For a greater context, pick up The Last Jihad first and then continue with this novel.

The New King James Version. 1982 (Ge 49:1). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.


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