Bullies and A Way to Overcome Them in the End

Many of us have had to deal with bullies in our lives, especially during our junior high and high school years. A song like this has such appeal to us as a result. However, a part of us perhaps thinks, I really shouldn't like it since it is a type of revenge ballad. So, why do I like it?

Naturally, I can only speak for myself. What I like about this song is the triumph over bullying. It began with a determination not to let the aggressor conquer one's spirit. Each character in the story persevered by looking to the future and seeing success ahead while the bully, who probably was or is bullied himself/herself, would just continue to be mean and that is all he or she would have. The justice of it and the inner strength toward one's life goals would help each character portrayed overcome in the end. There also was the warning to self that if one isn't careful, the bullied would become a bully.


  1. I have never heard that song, but now I think its one of my new favorites :). I like it too! I'm not a Taylor Swift fan and I don't like country, but I can see this song easily being one I catch myself singing LOL. I agree, bully's are horrible and all they will ever be is mean unless the grow up and change. I was bullied a lot as a child because we didn't have a lot of money and so I wore goodwill clothes to school. Kids teased me all the time. I went to private school too which was almost worse somehow. Then on the way home from school, we would get teased (my sister and I) by the public school kids. I don't know what happened to them, but I know most of them are no longer Christians. I wonder if they ever were. One kid used to tease me like crazy about my glasses. Last I saw him, he had glasses and had gained 100 pounds. I'm not kidding. So I didn't feel so bad. High school was not fun for me. I'm glad I am on this side of it. People aren't as scary from this end.


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