Pastors, Don't Micromanage Your Church

Pastors, Don't Micromanage Your Church (Click on the heading here and listen or read the thoughts of Dr. John Piper on this subject)

This is a nice reminder to pastors. I have been thinking about this subject for a while. It is tempting to want to cast my church in my image. At times I think, "I wish that the VBS director would go to evenings so we could hope to attract more kids." Or, I would think, "I wish the music were a little less traditional and more balanced with the contemporary." However, in the case of the VBS, God has wisely chosen who is to lead it and that's not me. The music ministry would be in a shambles if I, musically tone deaf, were to lead it.

So, even though our VBS program is small, in some ways it is mighty. What other VBS do you know of where teens as young as 13 can be encouraged and trained to teach the lessons? The size also helps those who do come to have individualized attention. Plenty of research has been done on big ministries and too often the eternal results, as measured by where these people are a decade or more later, don't outshine that of smaller ministries. The Bible counsels us well not to despise the days of small things.

As for the music ministry, we have a gifted leader in that area. The songs that are sung and performed are great in doctrine, praise and reverence of our God. Would I desire any less? Could I get any better than that?

Is there room for improvement in either of these programs? Absolutely, but I am not building my church; God is building His. And He has gifted His servants and He is producing the work in them and in me, conforming us all not to the image of me but to the image of His Son. I wouldn't have it any other way.


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