BibleGateway -- A Website You May Come to Love as Much as or More Than I Do

BibleGateway is a website that offers all kinds of resources to aid you in Bible study and/or research.  On the website you can look up passages by reference; book, chapter and/or specific verse; by key word or by topic.  A list of available versions can be found here. They include a ton of English translations as well as a great number of versions in a variety of other languages.

BibleGateway Newsletters is a page on the site offering the reader options in Bible study that come in one's email box.  Among it's offerings are as follows:  

A Verse of the Day in a choice of seven translations, one being the Spanish NIV

The Daily Audio Bible, an email that is sent to your inbox each day. The full text is delivered to you with a link to hear the portion read by pastor and author Brian Hardin

Bible Reading Plans for the year are offered in both the KJV and the NIV featuring the complete Old and New Testaments or just the New Testament in NIV. These also are sent via email daily. 

Devotionals include those by Spurgeon, R.C. Sproul and Lee Strobel.  Others are offered for designated groups such as men, women, teens, etc. 

Salt and Light and Reverend Fun, two cartoon newsletters, are available as well. 

I highly recommend this site.  If you haven't checked it out, do so today.  I think you will be very pleased. 


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