Sarah's Key: Watch this Sweet, Sad and Inspiring Film

I just finished watching Sarah's Key, a film I put on my Netflix queue quite some time ago. I finally took the time to watch it. It is about a Jewish girl from Paris who in 1942 was whisked away with her family but not with her little brother that she adored.  She placed him inside a hidden closet and locked the door behind him, telling him to stay quiet as they practiced and that she would be back for him. 

The story is sweet, sad and inspiring.  A journalist picks up the trail decades later to unravel what happened to Sarah's parents, to Sarah and her little brother.  To find out, she interviews people in Paris, Italy and Brooklyn.  She researches and finds dead ends and new trails that lead her to where the answers are.

The Holocaust is an awful event that must be remembered.  Sarah's Key is one way of doing that.  I would wholeheartedly encourage you to watch it.  


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