Sexual Sin: Its Roots, Its Damage and Its Removal

Isaiah 55:7: “Let the wicked forsake his way and the evil man his thoughts. Let him turn to the Lord, and He will have mercy on him, for He will freely pardon.”

Note:  I will add to this as I find more resources.  It is my prayer that if someone reading this is struggling, that something I post here helps bring that brother or sister to the throne of grace where there can be help and healing beyond mere sorrow and shame.  I would encourage you to come back to this in a few days and see what is added. 

Harry Schaumburg has an excellent piece called Sexual Sin in the Ministry.

Note that while Dr. Schaumburg appears to say that if you or someone you love is compromising in this area that they are not truly in Christ, later in the article he explains himself that "while not completely free from sin, the heart of the true believer has been transformed, and they cannot live in a pattern of continual sexual sin." I like this piece, not because it is pleasant to read for it is not. It is because of its skillful use of Scripture to demonstrate how the Word of God views these issues of the heart that become behaviors of the body.

Also, Mez McConnell has a blog post called Sexual Sin: It Could Happen To You.

This is a great post that reveals McConnell's heart for his dear friend, his shock at his friend's behavior and his humble fear that even he could fall in a similar way. He expressed a determination to keep vigilant to avoid the same and a thankfulness to God that he hasn't succumbed to such sin. I am also glad to see that he sought to be of help to his fallen brother rather than to feel better about himself by condemning him. 

Mez encourages you to read the Schaumburg piece I posted here but his link doesn't take you directly to it (I did the searching for you). I think the two send us a powerful message from Scripture and example of the nature of our sinfulness, the danger of secrecy in sin, the damage such sin brings and the importance of exposure to the light.

This kind of sinfulness is not unique to those in ministry. Let each of us take stock of our own lives. Perhaps the Schaumburg post should be put somewhere where it can be read over and over again, reminding us of the perilous trap we need to be on guard against and the remedy of the Scripture that doesn't address the behavior to the detriment of the heart where it all begins. If we are to err, let us err on the side of caution, brothers and sisters. 

You may also want to visit:

Restoring Sexual Purity
You will find links there that speak of the danger of lust, a two video segment on what Schaumburg calls false intimacy, the occupational hazards of ministry, porn and sex addiction and the need to fireproof your life and marriage, among others.

Pure Heart and Mind
Among the links are posts on sexual redemption, keeping the marriage bed undefiled (along with some sobering statistics), the warning that you can be sure that your sins will find you out, addressing the question as to if we are powerless over sexual sin, etc.

Affairs and Adultery 
Focus on the Family's website has a series of links that address affairs/adultery, addressing warning signs of an affair, emotional affairs, avoiding an ending an affair, maintaining faithfulness in marriage and dancing on the edge, as well as popular questions and answers

He Led a Double Life -- One couple's story from pain to infidelity to divorce to reconciliation and remarriage, to one another.

Family Life's Events, including A Weekend to Remember, the Art of Marriage and Stepping Up:  A Call to Courageous Manhood

See Special Offer on a Family Life Marriage Conference for $120 off a Weekend to Remember in the 2013 season.

XXXChurch. com, a ministry to help people with porn addiction.
- there is even software for your internet devices

"Sometimes I Hate Myself" by Jake Larson
Satan rules those who are under his control, that is, everyone without Christ (Ephesians 2:1-3). He tells them that serving others is not the way to pleasure. He says that serving yourself is the way to pleasure (Ephesians 4:17-19). Pornography is about one thing – self-pleasure. -- Jay Younts


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