UPDATED: Several Kindle Freebies and Kindle Deals -- Not Sure for How Long -- Grab now

The Wiersbe Bible Study Series: 2 Corinthians: God Can Turn Your Trials into Triumphs 
FREE on Kindle for a limited time

 Confident Conversation:  How to Communicate Successfully in Any Situation
Free on Kindle by Mike Bechtle
(He is the author of People Can't Drive You Crazy If You Don't Give Them the Keys)

Church Zero: Raising 1st Century Churches out of the Ashes of the 21st Century Church
by Peyton Jones is FREE for a limited time

I'm not sure if I have shared it before but it is worth repeating, if I have not.  R.C. Sproul's Crucial Questions series is free, including How Should I Live in This World
look at the suggestions beneath and you will find others in the series to also get for free.
(Note:  if you are an Arminian, Premillennialist or Dispensationalist, you will find points of disagreement with RC Sproul.  Even so, it's good to hear the other side)  

What's So Great about the Doctrines of Grace by Richard Phillips is still FREE

The Love Dare - STILL FREE on the Kindle!

Adventures in Odyssey: Voyage with the Vikings: 1 in Kindle format for STILL free
Matthew Henry's 6 Volume Complete Commentary on the Whole Bible in Kindle form for 99 cents
- $2.99 normally (still a great deal if you miss the 99 cent sale)

Living Clutter-Free with Kids in the House WAS free in Kindle format (62 pages)
-- $3.99 as of 07/08
- I don't know anything about the author but you can't argue with free for a limited time

Lord, Teach Us to Pray, the classic by Andrew Murray is STILL FREE
easy read at 29 pages

The Holy Bible, English Standard Version - STILL FREE

The Holy Bible:  Scofield Reference Bible for $1.99

The Rage Against God:  How Atheism Led Me to Faith  for $1.99
by Peter Hitchens, brother to famous atheist Christopher Hitchens. Hitchens reveals the reasons why an honest assessment of Atheism cannot sustain disbelief in God.


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