When I Have Time -- How I Spend the Time Given to Me

The past few weeks have been very busy.  I have spent quite a bit of time doing for others, it seems.  Today, I found myself with my main tasks done and suddenly with time on my hands that I had not experienced for a while!  What do I do?  There are so many good and even godly things to do.  How do I decide which to do and which to let go for later? 

What would God have me to do?  Yes, I think that is the best source of sorting through many good things to the best thing available.  If He had the time that I have now, how would He spend it? 

If you are like me, you have that LIST of things that need doing.  It is big and ever present.  When you have a spouse, family, job and/or ministry, it is all you can do not to let things slip out of sight.  Too often, for me anyway, it seems like life is a string of decisions of what not to get done, at least not yet.  Sigh. 

Someday, time will no longer be an issue.  Eternity will give us plenty of time to do anything and everything.  Ungodly choices, poor use of time, selfish endeavors and the like will not be a part of the equation.  These former things will be no more!  Yes!

For the Christian, there is hope for a tomorrow of getting everything done or at least of time not being an object when confronted with the list of things to do.  Stress will be no more, whether it is stress I bring upon myself or that others impose upon me.  God forgive me when I add stress to others.  We will live stress-free lives, worshiping the One True God! 

What are your thoughts about time, getting things done to the point where you can decide what to do or not to do?  Are you looking forward to a "day" when time will be no more?  For those of us who have accepted by faith the free gift of eternal life through Jesus, there is hope and there is help.  Praise God! 


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