Updated for 08/03/13 A Book on Suffering by Someone Who Should Know and Other Kindle Deals You May Wish to Check Out

The Christian Atheist: When You Believe in God But Live as if He Doesn't Exist Craig Groeschel for $2.99 as of 08/03/13
This looks GREAT.  I heard about it and as I was surfing around for Kindle Christian book deals, I saw this great price for it so I bought it for myself.  Here is the sample of the book.  Note:  you may have to wait a few seconds for it to go from the sale page to the sample

A Place of Healing: Wrestling with the Mysteries of Suffering, Pain, and God's Sovereignty
Joni Eareckson Tada

Update:  Still good price at $2.51 as of 08/03 

229 pages Free on the Kindle for a limited time

Joni and Friends ministry page

In Christ Alone: 
Living the Gospel Centered Life
by Sinclair Ferguson
free on the Kindle -- 256 pages

 Update:  Still free as of 08/03

The Life and Words of GK Chesterton

Wyatt North

66 pages – FREE on Kindle
Update:  $2.99 as of 08/03

Selected Sermons of Jonathan Edwards
Free on Kindle

Update:  Still free as of 08/03 

The Attributes of God
By A.W. Pink

99 cents 111 pages
Update:  Still 99 cents as of 08/03
MacArthur Daily Bible for $3.99!
Update:  Still $3.99 as of 08/03
1,325 pages!

One reviewer remarked, “This Bible makes it easy to sit down and keep a reading schedule that will take you through the entire bible in one year. About 3 pages per day, a section of the Old Testament, a Psalm, a Proverb and a section of the New Testament plus a paragraph or so worth of notes on what you've read.

Also, though it is organized so that the OT, Psalms, Proverbs and NT are together for each day, they are in the proper order with chapter/verse numbers so one could easily use this as their primary Bible.”

Take Words With You:
Scripture Promises & Prayers
Tim Kerr

99 cents  284 pages
Update:  Still 99 cents as of 08/03


How to Be Happy Where You Are 
(Matters of the Heart Series)
Michelle McKinney Hammond

$1.11 on Kindle 195 pages
Update: $8.69 as of 08/03


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