Review of Future Grace: A Life-Changing Message with a Few Caveats

Dr. John Piper is a gifted pastor, author and communicator of the Word of God who is well worth your time and energy.  This is at least the third book that I have read by Piper.  In each of them, I am quite pleased with the exhaustive use of Scripture to guide the reader to truth and its application.  Though I don't agree on every point of doctrine, I have study Bibles with pages marked, "See Piper, The Pleasures of God, p. 34" or the like.  I am certain that after reviewing my hundreds of underlines and notes throughout, that this book will provide more of those.  You may not wish to borrow any of my books from John Piper since you will have to read between the lines, quite literally.

I have a couple negative comments.  At 400 pages, this book, like two others that I have read of his is long.  In addition, unlike The Pleasures of God and Desiring God, I found myself laboring through some of the chapters. 

If you are an average reader don't avoid this book.  No one should avoid it. I think it has a valuable message, dare I say, untouched by others.  If you get bogged down and tempted to quit, check out the next chapter and then the next.  In the worst case scenario, look at the table of contents and read the best material Piper offers in the following:

Faith in Future Grace vs. Anxiety
Faith in Future Grace vs. Pride
The Solid Logic of Heaven
Faith in Future Grace vs. Impatience
Faith in Future Grace vs. Covetousness
Loving Ministry More Than Life
Faith in Future Grace vs. Despondency
Faith in Future Grace vs. Lust
The Future Grace of Suffering
The Future Grace of Dying

 I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review

Buy Future Grace in various formats (book, DVD, CD, e-book, etc.)

What others are saying about Future Grace (scroll down for endorsements)

Chapter one (41 page sample)

Author's bio


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