Read Answers in Genesis Books Online for Free, LGBT Numbers Less Than 3%, God and The Gay Christian Response, Free Women's Devotion from Women of Faith, Persecution News from Ukraine, Crimea, ISIS

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Health survey gives government its first large-scale data on gay, bisexual population

Less than 3 percent of the U.S. population identify themselves as gay, lesbian or bisexual, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported Tuesday in the first large-scale government survey measuring Americans’ sexual orientation.
Original source from the CDC, p. 3 specifically – “Results: Sexual orientation” 

God and The Gay Christian? A Response to Matthew Vines free pdf book

Free e-book: 10 Days of Devotions for Women – Women of Faith

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Slavic Gospel Association shares update from eastern Ukraine

If you thought fighting was over in eastern Ukraine, you might want to read this report. Vice President of Ministry for Slavic Gospel Association (SGA), Eric Mock, just returned from the region.

“There’s a tremendous amount of scary, difficult military action going on that people have to endure every night,” Mock shares. “We’re hearing stories of people venturing out to just get food and being held at machine gun-point with a revolver next to their ear.”

Though government troops took back key cities over the weekend, rebels reportedly regrouped in the city of Donetsk. With nearly 1 million residents, Donetsk is the region’s largest city. Innocent lives en masse would be on the line if a government-rebel showdown took place here.

“80% of the population of these towns [in eastern Ukraine] have left for fear of their lives. A lot of the buildings are bullet-ridden,” Mock reports.

ISIS threatens Lebanon; presidential candidates talk faith

Lebanon (MNN) -- Politicians are admitting their mistakes in Lebanon--a country struggling to elect a president. Worse yet, ISIS threats against the country continue to grow. SAT-7, a Christian satellite television ministry to the Middle East and North Africa, is airing a series of interviews with presidential candidates regarding their faith.

Last month, ISIS claimed responsibility for a string of suicide bombings, according to the Associated Press. On Monday, a Lebanese military prosecutor charged 28 people for belonging to ISIS and planning attacks within the country. ISIS reportedly has vowed to take over Lebanon.

The Daily Star says that leaked documents indicate that ISIS is planning more attacks in the country. Iran is offering to help Lebanon fight against the threats of ISIS.

Restricted Crimea churches and Christians in Ukraine running out of resources

Crimea (MNN) -- Events in Crimea aren't hitting headlines, but they are hitting Christians. Hundreds of persecuted Muslim Tatars from Crimea seek refuge in Ukraine from the only people who will help--Christians. Eric Mock of Slavic Gospel Association says, "In the middle of great conflict we're seeing the Ukrainian believers stepping up for the sake of the Gospel

Under Ukraine’s rule, Crimea had incredible freedom. While the Tatar and Jewish populations were often under attack, they are now fleeing the peninsula due to increased violence and persecution under Russian rule.


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