NATO Peacekeepers in Holy Land? Free E-Book on Christian Living, Prison Fellowship Helping Prisoners Read to Their Children, How You Can Help Meriam Ibrahim from Sudan, Christian Woman May Be Forced to Marry Muslim Man, Stretching the Truth about the Hobby Lobby Case and Militants Attack Jonah's Tomb

(from article linked below)

Let NATO Keep the Peace in Palestine
(this article may help us begin to see what the Anti-Christ peace treaty would look like)

Under a Bosnian model, the United States and its most capable European allies might form an ‘implementation force’ to fulfill the peacekeeping mandate for a limited period of two to five years [emphasis mine], followed by a longer-term ‘stabilization force’ that would include countries beyond the NATO alliance.

He will confirm a covenant with many for one 'seven.' In the middle of the 'seven' he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. And at the temple he will set up an abomination that causes desolation, until the end that is decreed is poured out on him." Daniel 9:27 (NIV)

Seeing the Unseen: A Daily Dose of Eternal Perspective  [Kindle Edition] Randy Alcorn
Free for a limited time

60 meditations that will inspire you to live each day with an eternal perspective.

Spiritually speaking, we live in the Country of the Blind. Sin has blinded us to the truth about God and Heaven, both of which are real yet unseen. But just as the physically blind must accept by faith there are stars in the sky, we must remind ourselves what Scripture tells us about eternal realities.

In daily doses, author Randy Alcorn offers insights on the Christian life along with Scriptures and inspirational quotes that can transform the way you think and live today.

It’s time to open your eyes—and see the unseen.

Love this new initiative from Prison Fellowship:  

Fatherhood Found in Storybooks
By Kate Campbell | Posted July 9, 2014

Meriam Ibrahim, her husband & children are safe for now at a U.S. Embassy in Sudan, but she's facing death threats from relatives. It's crucial that she be granted safe and swift passage to the United States.

Here's how you can take action & continue to be a voice on her behalf:  
Mission Network News
(Photo cred: VOM USA)

A note about the smear campaign vs. Hobby Lobby (Hillary Clinton is one of many on the Left that includes mainstream media who are spreading this smear):

"In truth, Hillary Clinton’s direction is deeply disturbing. These employers are not imposing their religious beliefs on anyone, and they’re not denying women contraceptives. As is widely known, Hobby Lobby already covers the entire cost of 16 out of 20 FDA-approved contraceptives under its insurance plan for employees. The Hobby Lobby owners aren’t against birth control. They object to paying for pills or devices that kill a human embryo [emphasis mine]—that is, abortifacients (drugs that produce an abortion). They’re against the abortion element of the HHS mandate."

Read more at:  Hillary Clinton’s Move to the Far Left  (their title, not mine)

ISIS Militants Destroy Churches, Mosques and What is Believed to be the Prophet Jonah's Tomb


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