A Review of This Is Our Time: A Christian Film on Fulfilling Your Purpose While Dealing with Struggles and Setbacks and Tragedy Along the Way

This Is Our Time DVD by Pure Flix

When you cannot trace God’s hand, you can always trust God’s heart -- unknown quote used by Bishop Kenneth Ulmer (who plays the pastor in the film)

This is Our Time is about five recent college graduates prepared to take their world by storm. Though differing in talent and direction, each of them intends to take the journey with strong faith and determination to make a difference in their chosen fields. 

However, life delivers curve balls along the way. They experience setbacks, struggles, ethical dilemmas and even a great tragedy that test their faith to see what sort it is. Watch this powerful film. Better yet, watch it with a teen or young adult.

This movie illustrates that God cannot always be understood. His ways are mysterious and past finding out. We most certainly would not do things as He does. However, God can be trusted for He is good.

An added bonus is that the movie is based on a true mission to lepers in India called Embrace a Village. Check out the promo video in the special features on this loving ministry to those who are sidelined, ostracized and isolated because of leprosy. Reaching them with the gospel of Jesus Christ and needed medical care, Embrace a Village is a worthwhile ministry to contribute to in prayer and perhaps your financial support.

From their website: 
Embrace a Village, a Christian non-profit organization based in St. Louis, Missouri, USA, exists to help transform the lives of leprosy victims and their families.

Our mission is to bring Jesus Christ’s message of hope and healing.

To achieve our vision within each leprosy colony, we raise the standard of living for leprosy victims across India and help them to help themselves integrate back into mainstream Indian society through relief projects, education and spiritual ministries.

Embrace a Village is a 501(c)(3) organization. Donations are tax deductible.

Buy This Is Our Time
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