Wholesome Children's Stories Free on Kindle, Story Behind 'I Drive Your Truck,' Joey of Joey and Rory is Almost Home

Stories from Grandma's Attic
free on Kindle for a limited time

Story Behind "I Drive Your Truck"

The music video

Joey is Almost Home

Joey has done all she set out to do… even right to the very end, and by sheer will-power (and God’s grace), she was still here to to see our baby’s 2nd birthday. Over the last number of weeks her pain had gotten worse and her health had continued to decline rapidly. And not long after Indy’s birthday my wife decided that ‘enough is enough’. She was ready to stop fighting and she told me so. She said the flowers would soon be blooming back in Tennessee. It’s time to go home.

Joey gathered her family together around her and she said goodbye to each of them

A sample of Joey and Rory's music


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