A Great Little Book That Every Patriot Should Read

American Patriots by Rick Santorum

Rick Santorum nearly became our president in 2012. Being the last man standing to oppose the frontrunner, Mitt Romney, he eventually conceded the race to him. Previously, Rick Santorum served the great state or, more correctly, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania as the junior U.S. Senator for twelve years.

The book is a great one filled with stories of patriots of the American Revolution. Some are well known, others not so well known. Each story is as unique as the person being profiled. Men and women hazarded their lives to break off the yoke of oppression and live in a free land.

As a Christian minister, I especially appreciated how he began each chapter with a verse of Scripture. Many of those profiled were Christian in faith and included laypeople as well as ministers of the Gospel. However, he also profiled at least one Jewish man who helped immensely to finance the revolution and the newborn nation.

I think that you will enjoy this book as much as I did. It is an easy read broken up into individual and group profiles in small chapters. The reader can digest it all in a small period of time or read a profile or two and then come back day after day and read some more without missing a beat.

The book design is also a plus. The front has stars in a blue background across the top with red and white flag stripes across the bottom. Each page has a frame that is designed to look like an old book’s pages, worn with time. The sections divided as “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” each come with a beautiful drawing of patriots in action.

Tyndale House Publishers has provided me with a complimentary copy of this book for an honest review. 


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