Free Downloadable Bible Reading Plans for the New Year -- Happy New Year!

Newly added to this post are the Bible reading plans for children.  You may wish to peruse it before handing it out to make sure there is nothing that doesn't line up with your doctrine in it.  The Bible reading plans include a book of the Bible and a follow-up question for the reader.  More difficult passages are left out.  For instance, Numbers starts later in the book than the first chapter.

Bible reading plans for children

Bible Reading Plans from Ligonier Ministries

Note:  I have a lot of agreement with my Reformed friends at Ligonier but we go our separate ways on eschatology (prophecy/the last days) and Israel (the Reformed believe the Church has replaced Israel while I believe that everlasting means everlasting and God never breaks His Word).

Bible Reading Plans that you can download from Ligonier include:

52 Week Bible Reading Plan

Read through the Bible in a year, with each day of the week dedicated to a different genre: Epistles, The Law, History, Psalms, Poetry, Prophecy, and Gospels.

Duration: One year

5x5x5 Bible Reading Plan

Read through the New Testament in a year, reading Monday to Friday. Weekends are set aside for reflection and other reading. Especially beneficial if you’re new to a daily discipline of Bible reading.

Duration: One year

A Bible Reading Chart

Read through the Bible at your own pace. Use this minimalistic, yet beautifully designed, chart to track your reading over 2013.

Duration: Flexible

Chronological Bible Reading Plan

Read through the Bible in the order the events occurred chronologically.

Duration: One year

The Discipleship Journal Bible Reading Plan

Four daily readings beginning in Genesis, Psalms, Matthew and Acts.

Duration: One year 

ESV Daily Bible Reading Plan

Four daily readings taken from four lists: Psalms and Wisdom Literature, Pentateuch and History of Israel, Chronicles and Prophets, and Gospels and Epistles.

Duration: One year

Every Word in the Bible

Read through the Bible one chapter at a time. Readings alternate between the Old and New Testaments.

Duration: Three years

Historical Bible Reading Plan

The Old Testament readings are similar to Israel’s Hebrew Bible, and the New Testament readings are an attempt to follow the order in which the books were authored.

Duration: One year

Professor Grant Horner’s Bible Reading System

Reading ten chapters a day, in the course of a year you’ll read the Gospels four times, the Pentateuch twice, Paul’s letters four to five times, the Old Testament wisdom literature six times, the Psalms at least twice, Proverbs and Acts a dozen times, and the OT History and Prophetic books about one and a half times.

Duration: Ongoing

Robert Murray M’Cheyne Bible Reading Plan

Read the New Testament and Psalms twice and the Old Testament once.

Duration: One or two years

Straight Through the Bible Reading Plan

Read straight through the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation.

Duration: One year

Tabletalk Bible Reading Plan

Two readings each day; one from the Old Testament and one from the New Testament.

Duration: One year 
App: Accessible in the Ligonier App (iPhone / iPad & Android)

The Legacy Reading Plan
This plan does not have set readings for each day. Instead, it has set books for each month, and set number of Proverbs and Psalms to read each week. It aims to give you more flexibility, while grounding you in specific books of the Bible each month.

Duration: One year 

Two-Year Bible Reading Plan

Read the Old and New Testaments once, and Psalms & Proverbs four times.

Duration: Two years

Not sure how many of these may be double-posted here, but just in case there are some unique ones that may better meet your needs and expectations, I also offer you this link:

Reading the Bible in 2013 from Justin Taylor's blog


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