Funniest Newspaper Edition to Ever Grace My Door

Never before have I laughed so hard at my local paper.  No, Jay Leno didn't buy it and turn it into Comedy Central News.  What got me laughing was the front page story of a reporter going to the local mall to ask some simple questions:

1) Best memory of 2012
2) Worst memory of 2012
3) Biggest hope for 2013
4) Prediction for the U.S. in 2013

My favorites included a shall remain unnamed 21 year old male who answered with the following:
Comments are mine (not in bold)

1) Best memory of 2012 - When I met my girlfriend 
2) Worst memory of 2012 - Getting arrested by the cops and getting tasered 
I see a bright future for this young man (and perhaps his girlfriend)
3) Biggest hope for 2013 - I hope to stay sober and find a job and maintain that and get my money up
4) Prediction for the U.S. in 2013 - I think it's going to be a good year for us. We're in Obama's hands . . . 
He makes a great character witness, don't you think?

Someone else answered the question Worst memory of 2012 with the following:
I had a bad Christmas, I had to spend it in New Jersey
As someone who was born and raised in N.J., I had a good laugh


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