Kindle Deals: More Easter Kindle books and Other Great Deals

Did Jesus Rise From the Dead? 
[Kindle Edition] by William Lane Craig  99 cents

He Still Moves Stones by Max Lucado

$1.99 on Kindle, 240 pages

Six Hours One Friday by Max Lucado
$2.99 on Kindle, 213 pages

More Easter Deals - updates on prices from my 03/31 post show how important it is to hop on the freebies and low prices while they are still low.  However, still some great deals where low prices haven't changed and the freebie for kids is still free!  Click on the link and check it out for yourself. 

Porn-Again Christian by Mark Driscoll
Free pdf mini-book (approximately 60 pages)

Biblical Foundations for Manhood and Womanhood
$1.99 on Kindle, 304 pages
Wayne Grudem, Bruce Ware, John Piper and others

Alone with God
John MacArthur
99 cents on the Kindle
242 pages


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