Russia's Non-Drilling Troops are Suddenly Moving, Ukraine President Preaches at Easter Service, Samaritan's Purse's Activity There, Etc.

Russia says conducting military drill near Ukraine

Reuters Television footage from the exercises showed columns of military vehicles, including jeeps, armoured personnel carriers, mobile multiple rocket launchers, and mobile surface-to-air missile launchers, driving in formation at a military aerodrome.

My thought:  Remember these are the troops that are supposedly on the border to drill that the West has complained haven't been drilling.  They also represent the troops that Russia said would return to their bases after the drills are done and the West has complained that hasn't happened either.  Well, now they are "drilling" -- moving in formation. Whether this is the start of conflict or a flexing of muscles before, we will have to see. 

article By Dr. Bob Provost
Slavic Gospel Association President

also from the article:  
Leaders in other CIS nations—including Russia—are increasing their scrutiny of Baptist churches because of the political turmoil in Ukraine. This is because they are wrongly identifying them as the cause of the unrest and because President Turchynov happens to be Baptist. Thus far, we have heard of no immediate impacts on the churches’ ministries. Yet please continually lift our brothers and sisters in prayer, asking God to protect them and enable them to . . . stand firm against the schemes of the devil (Ephesians 6:11). In the meantime, rejoice as the Gospel is being boldly proclaimed in Ukraine and across the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)!

Samaritan's Purse reports the following regarding Ukraine:

In 2007, Franklin Graham preached in Kiev.  A Baptist pastor serves as the interim president.  Evangelicals across the nation are praying for peace.  Samaritan's Purse has delivered 7 million shoebox gifts from Operation Christmas Child since 1995.  With 5.3 million children under 14, a large percentage of Ukraine's children have been reached with the Gospel through Operation Christmas Child.  

Missionaries my wife and I know made a recent trip to Ukraine.  They debated moving the event to Holland a few days before leaving for Ukraine.  However, the team agreed that Ukraine would provide the best place to allow everyone to attend who was planning on participating.  So, now they have trained people from Bulgaria, Romania, Italy, Albania, China and Ukraine.  

Their conference in Ukraine is finished but they ask for continued prayer for the people and nation.  The threat of imminent war is real and heartbreaking, they report.  Churches are continuing to hold prayer vigils in Lviv's city square (where they ministered). Their Ukrainian hosts ask, "please keep us and our nation in your prayers as we face the fear of war and uncertainty."  

My thought:  
Jesus said, "I will build My Church and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it."  Pray that God will show how He will do just that in Ukraine. Their dire situation gives new meaning to that promise and a reason to pray with hope that God would glorify Himself by proving it true there.  


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