Reviews of Heaven is For Real that May Help You Decide Whether You Wish to Watch

Heaven Is for Real, the Movie
Movie review by Randy Alcorn

"As I share in a post about Dr. Eben Alexander’s visit-to-heaven book, while I am not the judge of who has really been to Heaven or Hell, I believe every near-death (or supposed “after-death”) experience must be evaluated in light of God’s Word. While curiosity is understandable, don’t base your theology of Heaven on any book or movie that tells of someone’s personal experience and memories, no matter how sincere they may be. And as I share in another post about Mary Neal’s book To Heaven and Back, I am concerned that even evangelical publishers are now disseminating false doctrine through personal stories of visits to Heaven."

"Lynn Vincent, who ghost-wrote 'Heaven is for Real' on behalf of the young boy Colton Burpo and his father, said that she was initially reluctant to include Colton's description of people in heaven having wings. 'If I put that people in Heaven have wings, orthodox Christians are going to think that the book is a hoax.' She did and they didn't."

Heaven Is for Real Movie Review by Plugged In (Focus on the Family)

"the movie never explicitly links Christ's sacrifice to our salvation or access to heaven. Indeed, virtually nothing is said connecting a person's beliefs to an eternal destiny. And when it comes to Colton reporting that he saw Todd's granddad in heaven, the pastor responds with a line about how no one ever really knew what the man believed . . . a faith-oriented and family-friendly film that will both inspire and vex—much like Colton's stories affect his own father."

How Can I be Sure that I'm Going to Heaven?
Have you ever asked that question?  Allow our friends from the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association show you how you can have peace with God and know that if you were to die today that you would be in heaven.


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