A Red Line to Which Israel Will Likely Feel Compelled to Respond with Force: an Interim Deal Among Iran and World Powers

Eyes and Knees on the Middle East (Watch and pray!)

God makes clear through the prophet Ezekiel that there will be an end-times coalition of nations that is huge in nature moving militarily against Israel.  Ezekiel reveals that this coalition will have a major role for Iran (called Persia in the prophecy, Iran's more ancient and long-lasting name).  The prophecy also indicates that the world will do nothing but complain about the invasion, evidently including the West in general and the United States in particular.  Only an act of God against the coalition forces arrayed against Israel will save the nation.  

What we are seeing in today's headlines may be building up to the fulfillment of that prophecy.  Whether Israel strikes Iran's nuclear forces, and whether it does so successfully, will not stop this coalition and thus this prophecy from occurring.  In fact, one could argue that the lack of a strike or even the strike itself could result in such a future attack. 

A strike against Iran's nuclear sites and program by Israel will further set the Jewish nation against the biggest world powers that exist today.  However, the world and specifically the United States has begun the turn against Israel and not the other way around. One doesn't have to look far in the Middle East to see policy after policy of the current U.S. administration that is endangering Israel and its own interests in the region and on top of that a political movement within the U.S. to isolate itself from the world in general and from the Middle East in particular.  The pieces are falling into place, it would seem.  Watch and pray, watch and pray.  

Western powers reach deal with Iran over its nuclear program
The article states:  Iran and six of the world's powers – the United States, France, Britain, Germany, China and Russia -- agreed on a "first step deal” that is meant to limit advancements in Iran's nuclear program in exchange for easing some of the economic sanctions that have deeply hurt Iran's economy.

Pres. Obama speaking from the State Dining Room (pic from the article linked below)

According to the President of the United States, 
"Iran has committed to halting certain levels of enrichment and neutralizing part of its stockpiles. Iran cannot use its next-generation centrifuges, which are used for enriching uranium. Iran cannot install or start up new centrifuges, and its production of centrifuges will be limited. Iran will halt work at its plutonium reactor. And new inspections will provide extensive access to Iran's nuclear facilities and allow the international community to verify whether Iran is keeping its commitments."

"What was agreed last night in Geneva is not a historic agreement, it is a historic mistake," he said. "Today the world has become much more dangerous because the most dangerous regime in the world took a significant step to getting the most dangerous weapon in the world."

For the first time, he said, the leading powers of the world agreed to uranium enrichment in Iran, while removing sanctions that it has taken years to build up in exchange for "cosmetic Iranian concession that are possible to do away with in a matter of weeks."

Netanyahu said the consequences of this deal threaten many countries, including Israel. He reiterated what he has said in the past, that Israel is not obligated by the agreement.

"Iran is committed to Israel's destruction, and Israel has the right and the obligation to defend itself by itself against any threat" he said. "I want to make clear as the prime minister of Israel, Israel will not allow Iran develop a military nuclear capability."

Israeli Cabinet minister: Iran deal based on 'deceit;' Israel can't celebrate
Article by: Associated Press
Updated: November 23, 2013 - 11:00 PM

In the first Israeli action to the "deal" in Geneva, Intelligence Minister Yuval Steinitz states that there is no reason to celebrate since the deal is based on "Iranian deception and self-delusion"

Steinitz' reaction is important since it is his job to monitor the Iranian nuclear program.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is expected to discuss the deal with his Cabinet later Sunday.  

As we go to press, the Obama administration seems to be hurtling towards a bad deal with Iran. The administration will claim the agreement freezes and indeed sets back the Iranian nuclear program. But even the New York Times acknowledges that “only some elements are frozen, and rollbacks in the initial agreement are relatively minor” and can be easily reversed. Furthermore, the “deal” would mean the United States would retreat from its previous clear red line—one embodied in repeated U.N. Security Council resolutions—of requiring that Iran stop enrichment. It would allow Iran to move ever closer to nuclear weapons while getting significant sanctions relief. Some deal! In truth, it’s not a deal in the usual meaning of the term. It’s an accommodation. It’s a way for the Obama administration to avoid confronting Iran, and to buy time to acclimate the world to accepting a nuclear Iran. -- Bill Kristol

11/23/2013 23:14

Here is an important excerpt from the story:

The official reiterated Israel's position that there was no true significance in an Iranian agreement not to enrich uranium to 20% -- believed to be one of the Iranian "concessions" under the proposed accord -- even though they will retain the capabilities to do so.

"This is like a man on an elevator who says that he is giving up the right to go to the 20th floor, but you leave in place the button for the 20th floor so he can push it whenever he wants, and even go to a higher floor," the official said.

The official characterized the agreement as a "bad one" which should not be signed. "There is a need, and it is possible, to get a much better deal," the official said. "And if the Iranians refuse, then the world immediately needs to increase the sanctions."

Senior diplomatic officials said that Iran has some 10,000 centrifuges in place, and another 8,000 – many of them faster, second-generation centrifuges – ready to install. By comparison, Pakistan – which already has a nuclear weapon – "only" has 6,000 centrifuges, one senior official said.

Even if Iran gives up the enrichment of uranium to 20%, according to the source, it would take only 33 days for Teheran to be able to enrich its stockpile of 3.5% enriched uranium to the level needed for a nuclear bomb.

In practice, therefore, the Iranian "concession" of giving up 20% uranium rolls back the nuclear weapon program a total of five weeks, he said.

My thoughts:  I admit that we will have to see what details are in the deal.  However, Israel was very concerned about any deal that runs short of a total end to the enrichment of uranium and the end to construction of the plutonium plant at Arak.

The article states: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday vowed Israel would never let Iran obtain a nuclear weapon, as world powers sought a deal with Tehran in Geneva over its nuclear drive.

"I pledge Iran will not get a nuclear weapon," Netanyahu, who has never ruled out military action against Tehran, said in a Hebrew-language speech to leaders of Russia's Jewish community in Moscow. He did not elaborate

According to the article, "Iran would have to halt uranium enrichment, dismantle centrifuges, have enriched uranium material sent abroad and stop work on its Arak heavy water reactor," he said.


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