Free Christmas Song Download, Free Kindle Books on Human Trafficking and Subject of Courage, Free Mission Book

Heart of the Matter:  Daily Reflections for Changing Hearts and Lives 
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Free Kindle book for a limited time from CCEF (the Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation)

Free for a limited time! 258 pages and overwhelmingly loved by reviewers

As she shares her extraordinary stories of fighting human trafficking as an ordinary mom, Kimberly Smith offers hope for readers who wonder if God is calling them to greater things.

Passport Through Darkness takes readers on Smith’s journey from normal family life and business, to Europe, to the deserts of Africa and ultimately, to the deserts of her own soul as she tries to live well as an imperfect American mom, crusade for justice for orphans around the world, and embrace God’s extraordinary dreams for her. When Kimberly and her husband risk everything to answer God’s call, they see God change and restore them—even amid exhaustion, marital struggles, and physical limitations.

This heartbreaking, heartlifting book is for anyone who longs to see God move their life from normal to one that matters. It is a call to readers to take one more step on their journey to know God’s heart.

by Steve Farrar, author of Point Man

Everyone can recall as a young child having the courage to head out the door—whether it was to your first day of school, your first game in little league, or your piano lesson. Then life takes over and you lose your bravado, giving in to the fears of the world around you.

In True Courage readers will discover a God who provides incredible courage to us in the midst of uncertainty, even through treacherous, evil days, and the courage to face lions in their den—or an unexpected job loss, the diagnosis of a sick child, or the return of a debilitating cancer.

Steve Farrar is the founder and chairman of Men’s Leadership Ministries. A graduate of California State University, Fullerton, with a Master’s degree from Western Seminary in Portland, Oregon, he also has an earned a doctorate from Dallas Theological Seminary. Steve authored the best-selling book, Point Man: How a Man Can Lead His Family and has since written fifteen other books. He is a frequent speaker at conferences, for Promise Keepers and at many other events nationwide. Steve and his wife, Mary, have three grown children and currently reside in suburban Dallas, Texas.

Behold Emmanuel from Steve Green's Christmas album

Get your FREE book from Christian Aid Mission 

Dear Friend,

When the goal is to spread the Word as widely, capably, and cost-effectively as possible, indigenous missionaries are truly a gift from heaven.

In some of the most unevangelized nations on earth, barriers of language, culture, or politics often make it unfeasible for traditional missionaries to operate. But there’s an alternative—one that's extending the reach of both the Word and the charitable donations that make it all possible.

In the book, FINISHING THE TASK, Christian Aid shares the stories of native missionaries who have made an impact for Christ in their own country. The book’s key message: Indigenous Christian missionary ministries in foreign lands are more effective, less costly, and supremely capable of bringing the gospel to the ends of the earth.

FINISHING THE TASK chronicles the ministries of nine modern-day heroes of faith, all working in their own “neighborhoods”--places that are poor and hard to reach and whose residents are often suspicious of outsiders. These courageous men and women live life on the edge, working tirelessly to finish the task of reaching the “unreached.”

While challenges abound (stampeding elephants, machete-wielding drug traffickers, KGB spies, and more), nothing will keep them from marching into the deepest, darkest valleys on earth to take the good news of the Savior to every tongue, tribe, and nation. It’s a journey of self-sacrifice, rife with danger but rewarded with the unsurpassed joy of seeing souls transformed through a personal encounter with Jesus Christ.

Their real and uncommon experiences offer a glimpse into their unique culture and challenges, as well as the ministry strategies they employ to spread the Gospel to their own people. While their calling is not for the faint of heart, their example compels us to continue their legacy--and galvanizes us to fulfill the Great Commission.

Christian Aid Mission is making this book available to you without cost or obligation to help you understand how national Christian workers are doing the work of the Gospel in amazing ways.

To get your free copy of FINISHING THE TASK, fill out the information below. (U.S. and CANADA ONLY)

In His Grip, Greg Yoder
Anchor & Executive Director
Mission Network News

The Gospel Focus of Charles Spurgeon by Steven Lawson
177 pages, save $16.00!


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