Date Your Mate: A Review of Little Book of Great Dates by Dr. Greg and Erin Smalley

The Little Book of Great Dates is a good little book. It can easily fit in your glove compartment or purse. Many books we possess take up precious space in our homes, leaving us with decisions as to what books stay and which ones go. This one’s compact nature is a definite plus.

The cover is a unique design. It has a heart on the front in an engraved fashion. The material of the cover is made of dark blue imitation leather.

Within its pages are fifty-two dates. Some are holiday related like New Year’s Day (Date 1), Valentine’s Day (Date 6), Thanksgiving (Date 45) and Christmas (Date 46) among others. While numbered, the dates don’t have to be taken in any particular order and some dates may be better than others for each couple to consider.

One way it is helpful is that the suggestions for dates can prime the pump for other date ideas. Therefore, I think this book is especially helpful to the couple that has been married for a while. Life intrudes as we get older with competing schedules, priorities and perhaps growing children to take places. Such a book helps couples do what came easier when it was just them and love was new and exciting.

Each date section has various parts to it. The first part is a quote from a song, a movie or perhaps even an author. There follows a reading to get the couple to think about various aspects of marriage and life. Next is a date idea and suggestions of “get to know each other” questions for the date.

As to what I would rate the book, I would consider various criteria. Price is a bit on the higher side, in my view, but when you think of the value to your marriage, it is a steal. Perhaps the price tag could be lowered by offering the volume in a paperback or hardback version. Another way to weigh the value is to consider if the book could be improved upon. I think that it largely accomplishes what the authors set out to do in offering a variety of date ideas, topics to discuss as well as challenges and thoughts along the way. If the book were arranged differently with holidays in one section and others organized according to date types that may be considered an improvement of an otherwise great little book.

I hope this review will help you to consider whether this book is for you.

Tyndale House Publishers has provided me with a complimentary copy of this book for review purposes.


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