Free Kindle Books, Waiting for Decades and Closure, Helicopter Parents and Boundaries, Jesus and Homosexuality,and Israel's Defense vs. Peace Notions are Among This Week's Websightings

Christianish: What If We're Not Really Following Jesus at All? [Kindle Edition]
Mark Steele (Author)
4.4 out of 5 stars

Digital List Price:  $14.99

Kindle Price:  $0.00
· Length: 289 pages

Running Scared: Fear, Worry, and the God of Rest [Kindle Edition]Edward T. Welch (Author)

List Price: $15.99  
Kindle Price: $0.00  
Length: 328 pages

In his new release, Running Scared, Edward T. Welch investigates the roots of fear in the human soul and the ramifications of living in the grips of anxiety, worry, and dread. Welch encourages readers to discover for themselves that the Bible is full of beautiful words of comfort for fearful people (and that every single person is afraid of something). Within the framework of thirty topical meditations, Welch offers sound biblical theology and moment-by-moment, thoughtful encouragement for life-saving rescue in the midst of the heart and mind battlefield of rampant panic-stricken responses.

This comprehensive primer on the topic of fear, worry, and the rest of God will have readers retreating to scripture for invariable constancy, stalwart care, and robust comfort, instead of as Welch terms it, "hitting the default switch" by responding with characteristic human independence, control, and self-protectiveness. Running Scared affirms that, through Scripture, God speaks directly to our fears:

· On money and possessions

· On people and their judgments

· On death, pain, and punishment

Edward T. Welch is the author of such best-selling titles as: Depression: A Stubborn Darkness, Addictions: A Banquet in the Grave, Blame It On the Brain and When People Are Big and God Is Small. He received a PhD in Counseling Psychology (Neuropsychology) from the University of Utah, and a M.Div. from the Biblical Theological Seminary in Hatfield, PA. Welch is a licensed psychologist and works as a counselor, faculty member, and director of the School of Biblical Counseling at the Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation in Glenside, Pa. His written work and speaking ministry, which are characterized by sound biblical exposition and paired with dynamic practical application, are in great demand by today's modern church. Ed is married to Sheri and has two amazing daughters. He is also the glad owner of a growing guitar collection and competes in the Master's swim event where he happily placed fourth in the country.

Is this the one world religion prophesied of in the Holy Scriptures?

Bishop William Swing wants a U.N. for religions
Julian Guthrie, Chronicle Staff Writer
Published 4:00 am, Sunday, December 26, 2010

Note the heresies of Bishop Swing:  

Charles Gibbs, an Episcopal priest who serves as the initiative's executive director, said, "Even though I was born and raised in the Episcopal Church, I never believed Christianity was the only answer. Religions do a lot of good, and evoke the absolute best in people. But extremism happens when religions claim to have the unique path to the Ultimate."

My note:  I guess then Jesus of Nazareth was an extremist to Bishop Swing.  See John 14:6
“I think hell exists on Earth. A lot of people live in hell." -- Bishop Swing
Preamble, Purpose and Principles

So they are tolerant of the like-minded and intolerant of others?

They are against proselytizing? 

Are we to assume that they are for social, political, environmental and economic justice (i.e., an earth-based salvation) and not the real one taught in the Bible?

In an age where it seems that we are quick to run for the exits, even in Christian circles, this story is quite inspiring:  

(Source:  Mike Huckabee’s Facebook page – 12/26/13
As Mike Huckabee wrote it.  I separated portions of the text for ease of reading)
It’s never too late to bring closure. That’s the lesson of the story of Clara Gantt of Los Angeles. The L.A. Times reports that in 1950, her young husband, Army Sgt. 1st Class Joseph Gantt, shipped out for the Korean War. She told him she expected him to come home, and she would wait for him. 

But he was taken prisoner. She never heard from him again. But she kept her vow to wait. Even as he remained missing in action for decade after decade, she never dated another man. 

She became active in a group that aided MIA family members, and visited Washington regularly, but never learned what had happened to him. Until last October, when his remains were found and identified. Officials believe he died in 1951 – 62 years ago. 

On Friday, a flag-draped coffin bearing his remains at long last returned to Los Angeles. Clara, now 94, cried as she greeted the military escort. 

So does she think of those years of waiting as wasted? Not at all. She said she was very, very proud of her Joseph. She said they were two of a kind, “we loved each other, and that made our marriage complete.” 

Let’s just pray that the families of other soldiers missing in action someday get the same closure. It will take a lot of prayer. There are still 8,000 MIA soldiers from the Korean War alone.

Another Horrible Example of the Truth that in the Last Days, the Love of Many Will Grow Cold

Just one of several great illustrations/charts from "What Are We Thinking"
Analysis: As John Kerry seeks to force a deal based on the 'Allon Plan', Arutz Sheva analyst says the implications for Israel are dire.
-- an excellent piece that needs to be explained more often to a world that wants Israel to go back to the pre-1967 borders.  Excellent illustrations are included as well. 

You Turn: Friends With Mom 
Elizabeth Grant describes life with her helicopter mom and how she established boundaries

We’re Married in Our Hearts, So Why Can’t We Be Members of Your Church?


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